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★ MALAYSIA UNIQUE JONESjune second , 2023

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june second , 2023

MALAYSIA SAT UP straight against her headboard at the sound of someone unlocking the front door. it couldn't have been her parents because they would've let her know before hand, so who was it?

"oh hell no." she uttered, getting out of her bed and grabbing her lighter and got2b spray off of her vanity.

stepping into the hallway, she looked through colin's door and closed it. going to the steps, she heard the door open and seen someone come in with a black hoodie over their head.

malaysia's eyes closed, silently praying for protection and also so that she won't be arrested for setting someone on fire.

treading down the stairs slowly, the person navigated their way to get into the kitchen, the sound of keys hitting the counter and them rummaging through the cabinets.

malaysia made sure to not make any sound, walking on her tip toes as she traveled slowly behind the unknown person.

peeking around the wall, she seen the person with their back turned. getting her weapon ready, she jumped around from the wall and screamed. the spray activated the fire and the unknown person jumped back and ran backwards.

"lay! stop, it's me!" hearing the familiar voice, malaysia stopped and held the two things down by her sides. the person took off their hood and then there stood taniya.

"niy?" her heart dropped and her face fell. what the hell was her sister doing here?

taniya gave her a weak smile. "hey." her eyes were droopy, she looked drained. as much as malaysia wanted to feel bad for her sister, she found it all fucked up.

"why are you back here?" she asked, placing the things on the counter. "what do you want?"

"i just came to see my son." she answered, clearing her throat. taniya knew that her little sister was so disappointed in her, she could hear it in her voice.

"colin's upstairs, not in the cabinets." malaysia responded in a snarky tone. she couldn't care on how she was talking to her sister right now because she felt like she deserved it.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 ʲᵃʸᵏˡⁱᶜᵏⁱⁿWhere stories live. Discover now