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★ MALAYSIA UNIQUE JONESapril seventeenth, 2023

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april seventeenth, 2023

MALAYSIA PULLED UP outside of the house, just in time for colin to have dinner and his bath. the reyes brothers and ddot came along with so that they could help with her suitcases, even though she told them she could do it on her own.

"home sweet home." ddot jumped out the car, notti exiting out as well and dd did on the other side with colin in his arms.

jay and malaysia got out after as she went to unlock the trunk and then took colin off of dd's hands and went to unlock the door to let them inside. "alright, let's go see what's for dinner."

"nuggies?" colin begged, jumping up and down.

"ion see why not." she shrugged, walking into the kitchen to check the freezer for the frozen nuggets and fries. "you want dinosaurs or the regular ones colin?"

"dinosaurs please."

"alright." grabbing the red bag of tyson dinosaur nuggets (these slap by the way), she then grabbed the bag of frozen waffle fries out too. shutting the freezer, she placed the bags on the counter and grabbed the spray to put inside of the air fryer.

(if you don't have a air fryer get one. but don't put everything in there).

"where ya room at lay?" ddot asked, trudging the suitcase behind him.

"upstairs, the room across from the bathroom." she directed and they all followed her directions. jay came in last, rolling the suitcase on its wheels and went into the kitchen. "gonna make me some?"

"is your name colin?" she dumped in a good amount of nuggets and fries in it, closing it to set the temperature and timer. "no it's not."

"you still a little smart ass." he clicked his tongue, turning away to walk out and go upstairs to her room. "where your room at?"

"across the bathroom!"

leaned on the counter, the incoming call from taniya came in and stopped her from scrolling on instagram. "hey. i just put him some nuggets and fries in the air fryer. you ok?" she answered the call.

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