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★ MALAYSIA UNIQUE JONESjune sixth , 2023

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june sixth , 2023

AFTER WHAT SEEMED like a long time, no contact is now over and malaysia still doesn't know what to do. she gave jay her word that it would be only be for five days, so she had to stick to it, no backing out.

so she called her bestfriends for help. and now here they are, sitting inside of her room after she explained the whole story to them.

auvey sat there with her eyebrows highly raised, not having a single word to utter. kazi on the other hand started thinking hard.

"ok so boom, just text him!" he exclaimed.

malaysia face palmed herself with a head shake. "it's not that easy. ion know what to text him."

"damn....it's really awkward between y'all now?" auvey asked.

"i mean that day when taniya was here we were ok.....but that was just something small?" her voice changed pitch.

"spill it." auvey said.

"we kissed....again. and i initiated it." she hid her face in her hands, backing up to the wall.

auvey and kazi turned their heads to share an exchange of looks. not judgmental, just pure shock. "uh...ok. how did you feel kissing him?" auvey gulped.

"it felt good. like really good, extremely good. but i don't know, that probably added onto the awkwardness now." she groaned loudly, sliding down on the floor to hug her knees. "this can't be my life i gotta be dreaming or some shit."

"girl get up off the ground." kazi said to her, making her get up and pout. "aside from the kiss, there is still years of friendship there, so focus on that."

auvey snapped her fingers, agreeing. "you're so focused on the kiss and that's understandable, but like kazi said don't forget about the friendship you have with jay."

malaysia nodded, knowing that they was right as she stared blankly at her phone that sat on the bed. she should stop hesitating and just pick up the phone and text him? yes she should.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 ʲᵃʸᵏˡⁱᶜᵏⁱⁿWhere stories live. Discover now