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★ JUSTIN QUINCY REYESmay fifteenth , 2023

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may fifteenth , 2023

(let's all thank xoticful for this wonderful idea you're about to read right now!!!)

IT WAS TWELVE in the afternoon, and jay was still fast asleep, but a dream that he would freak out about, was starting right now.

"keem you suck mofo!" jay was sitting in his room, his headset on one ear as he sat at the end of his bed with the controller in his hands.

"jay." malaysia called his name. he turned his head to see her waking up under the comforter. she had came over because she needed someone to talk to about her fight with mosiah. after she cried, she quickly fell asleep so jay let her stay there.

"my bad nique ian mean to wake you up." he told her, returning back to the game. "bro what the—my bad." he cut himself, about to rage as he just breathed in and out while still tapping the buttons on the controller.

"mm." malaysia stretched herself out on the bed, her feet touching his back as she let out a soft sound that sounded like a moan to jay.

licking his lips, he tried to maintain his focus on the game so that he wouldn't start getting hard off of her. but then, she stretched again, the same sound coming out of her mouth and it was like his dick now had a mind of its own.

because he got hard. like bad. "fuck." he whispered, blinking as he continued communicating with the gang in his headset. "go right bro not the other way!"

"jay?" he heard her call his name again, feeling her come over to him on the bed. he couldn't let her see him bricked up when she got over to him so he leaned over with his elbows on his knees. good cover right? for him he thought so.

malaysia plopped down beside him. since it was still spring time, she wore a graphic tee shirt with some biker shorts, pretty basic. jay's eyes glanced over at her thighs, not helping at all.

"you good? you look like you holding something in." she laughed, looking over at his face.

he shook his head. "nun." he continued tapping on the controller buttons. "bro what the fuck!" he screamed, their team had lost the match. "roscoe you suck ass bro real shit. the fuck was that?"

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