Part 2/15

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Alex got dressed, and he's now in the bathroom, brushing his teeth. Nicola's letter is in his pocket.

Alex: (using toothbrush as a microphone) So, Alex King, now that you hit the big one five, for real this time, what are your plans? You must have something in mind, now that you finally left the tempo loop... Well, I don't know. But I better not start dancing again, 'cause this would be the part where I drop my toothbrush on the toilet.

[He puts the toothbrush down, and grabs Nicola's letter]

Alex: Time to find out how she feels.

[He tries to open the letter, but it falls on the floor]

Alex: Oops. Well, at least it didn't fall into the toilet. This year is already off to a better start, I guess.

[He picks it up again, opens it, and reads it]

Alex: (reading the letter) "Dear Alex. Happy birthday. I hope you have the best birthday ever. And just to be clear, I know about your feelings towards me. They became pretty obvious, that day we went to the Boyz Az 1 concert. I know it didn't go well, but I must confess, I've been feeling the same way for a while, now. And I'm willing to give this a shot. But if you want me to be your girlfriend, there's some things we need to address first. There's someone close to you, who clearly has feelings for you, and you need to sort that out, if you want us to be a couple. I don't wanna get in the middle of anything. Sincerely, Nicola Grey." What? Someone likes me? Who could she possibly be talking about?

Sam: (creeping up from behind) Gee, that's a real mystery.

Alex: Yes it is, Sam... (gets scared, turns around) Sam! How long have you been here for?

Sam: Since you started reading that.

Alex: Have you ever heard of privacy? What makes you think you can eavesdrop?

Sam: You woke me up with your screaming, and you left the bathroom door open. What was I supposed to do?

Alex: ... I guess that's on me. 

Sam: Yep, and now I know about your little love letter.

Alex: Who do you think she's talking about? Big Hannah?

Sam: No, you idiot. She means Maddy.

Alex: Maddy? (nervous laughter) Maddy doesn't like me.

Sam: Yes, she does. It's pretty obvious. You've just been so blindly in love with Nicola, that you didn't even notice it.

Alex: No. That can't be true. Maddy is just a mate. She couldn't possibly have a crush on... Me.

[Alex's mind starts recalling every interaction he's had with Maddy in the last two years, and finally realizes it]

Alex: Noooooooo. Maddy likes me. This cannot be happening. Why does she like me?

Sam: I ask myself the very same question. 

Alex: Sam, what do I do?

Sam: I don't know. Why are you asking me?

Alex: I don't know what to do. Nicola likes me, but so does Maddy?

Sam: So? This might be the only time you have two girls liking you, so pick one of them before it's too late. Maybe go with Maddy, since you're both so weird. Try asking her out.

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