Part 4/15

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Meanwhile, Maddy got to school earlier than the boys. As she enters the campus, the first thing she sees, is Parker and Howe arguing.

Maddy: ... What is going on with those two?

[Maddy gets closer, hiding behind a wall, in order to hear everything]

Parker: What's the matter with you? Did you hit your head, or something?

Howe: What's the matter with me? You're the one who ruined my year!

Parker: Your year? What year?

Howe: I don't know what kind of Deja Vu thing this is, but I'm not gonna let you ruin my year again. Because of you, I lost the girl of my dreams! And now that I'm back to square one, I won't let that happen again.

Maddy: (under her breath) What? That sounds awfully familiar.

Parker: Wha... Whe... You have lost your damn mind.

Howe: No, you have lost your mind! Or better yet, you never had one! You're a mean, obnoxious, insensitive bully!

Parker: So what? You say that like it's a bad thing. Mate, you had no problem with that yesterday. Or any other day before that, for that matter. What changed?

Howe: That was before I went back in time. Now I have the chance to fix my mistakes!

Parker: Back in time? You need to see a shrink. I'm not talking to you, until you get your head right.

[Parker begins walking away]

Howe: Fine! I don't need you! I'm gonna fix this on my own!

[Maddy gets closer. Howe turns around, and runs into her]

Howe: (gets scared) Jesus! Maddy. Didn't see you there.

Maddy: I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to hear that.

Howe: Oh. You heard that.

Maddy: Yes. I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have. But it takes guts to stand up to Parker. I'm impressed.

Howe: I'm glad you are. You're not gonna believe this, but I swear went back in time. That's why I snapped at him. I had a really bad year, and now I feel like I fell through a crack in time, and ended up back where the year began. I know you're gonna think I'm crazy, but it's true. I'm in a-

Maddy: Tempo loop.

Howe: Yes, exactly. How did you know?

Maddy: Howe, you're not the first person I know, who looped.

Howe: So you don't think I'm crazy?

Maddy: No. Not at all, Howe. Tempo loops happen all the time. Not to me, but I know they happen to people. Maybe the universe wants you to correct something.

Howe: Yes. Yes, it does... And I will. 

Maddy: You're off to a good start, by finally leaving Parker behind.

Howe: I know, and I'm not gonna stop there. Maddy... I'm in love with you.

Maddy: (shocked) Whaaaaaaat? Y-y-you're in love with me?

Howe: It's... It's... It sounds crazy, I know. But lots of stuff happened last year. You and I got closer. But I screwed that up because of Parker. And then you ended up dating Alex King. And then-

Maddy: Wooow. I dated Alex?

Howe: Well, yes. But trust me, Maddy, you don't wanna date him. You were miserable. He doesn't love you like I do.

Maddy: ... Howe, this is a lot of information, for just a few seconds.

Howe: I see. But it's true, Maddy. You have to trust me.

Maddy: Look, do you wanna go somewhere quieter, so you can explain things in detail to me?

Howe: Sure.

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