Part 5/15

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Alex and Simon just got to school.

Alex: One thing I noticed, is that this year is off to a better start.

Simon: Yeah, I bet. You got two girls with the hots for you.

Alex: Not just that. I'm not as clumsy anymore. Maybe my luck is finally changi-

[Alex crashes into Norris]

Alex: Oops.

Norris: (yelling) Kiiiiiiiiiing! Watch where you're going!

Alex: S-sorry, sir. It was an accident.

Norris: I don't care. Detention!

Simon: ... But we're in Year 9 now.

Alex: Yeah. You're no longer our year head.

Norris: ... Oh. I forgot about that.

Alex: ... So, I guess we'll get going.

Norris: Don't get smug on me, King. I won't forget this. If I ever end up as your year head again, you know what will happen. Detention!

[Norris walks away]

Simon: There's no love lost between you and Norris.

Alex: Well, at least we finally got rid of him. He was my year head for two consecutive years.

Simon: I guess now you can finally relax, eh mate?

[The bell rings]

Simon: We better go to class.

Alex: So much for relaxing.

Episode 14 (Worst Year Of My Life Again Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now