Part 8/15

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They're now at a home econ class. Alex and Simon are paired together. Maddy and Howe as well, but far away. Nicola is also far away, paired with Loren.

Simon: You alright, mate? You've been pretty quiet for a while now.

Alex: I can't understand why Nicola rejected me, when she said all that stuff in the letter. Did I do something wrong? Does something embarrassing happen to me, throughout the day?

Simon: I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation.

Alex: ... Maybe this is the universe sending me a message, once again. Maybe I'm not meant to be in love with Nicola. Maybe I'm not even in love with Nicola. Just with an idea of her.

Simon: Wowowow, calm down, mate. You've seen her dark side. She's been mad at you. She's shoved sausages up people's noses. She's behaved like a brat in front of you. And yet you still like her, after two crazy years in a row. You know she's not perfect, and yet you still like her. To me, that's love.

Alex: Love? At this point, I don't know anything about love, Simon. She could be just another manic pixie dream girl.

Simon: But she's not. You know who she really is. You're in love with the real her. 

Alex: And yet I ended up dating Maddy. Maybe Maddy is the girl for me.

Simon: Didn't you listen to Howe, mate? You two didn't work... Besides, I don't think you can get her in this timeline. Look at her with Howe.

Alex: ... What's with those two? I never pictured Howe and Maddy.

Simon: Really? They make perfect sense to me. I ship them.

Alex: You what?

Simon: I ship them. I even put them together in a fanfic.

Alex: What? You write fanfics about your friends?

Simon: ... Pfft, no.

Alex: You just said you did.

Simon: It's a joke. I don't write fanfics. That's weird, and girly. (nervous laughter) Otherwise, I would also write fanfics about me and your sister.

Alex: (rolls eyes)

[Alex looks at Nicola, and then at Maddy, not knowing what to do]

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