explaining feelings

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Liam's P.O.V.

"ok well guys now don't go all ape shit but this seriously started today hehehe" i chuckle lightly no one speaks so i guess i should keep talking so i continue.

"ok the truth is i have been fancing niall ever since i think about 3 weeks ago remember when we were shopping in that little market well while we were there i realized the only bromance going on was larry stylinson and i wanted to add to be cute and make things better plus i knew i was bi so i looked at both zayn and niall and thought well there both perfect but something about niall just sparked to make sure it was just real i stood really close to him in the line and i felt my cheeks burning red so i knew it wasn't fake so told you guys i was going to go use the bathroom but to keep the car running when in reality i grabbed a magazine that had all our faces plasterd on them so i bought it and riped a poster of Nialler out of it then stuck it in my book i've been reading (the host never told you guys what book) then when i told niall to go get my phone in my bed I forgot about the picture then he snooped around saw the picture and when we did the twitcam and you guys went to play halo he asked if i was bi and i asked why then he said nevermind next thing you know my crush was kissing me so i kissed back and at night he kissed me again but things got hot so we just kept going". i explain with little breaths left at first everyone just kinda of stood there thinking about my words then got up hugged me and Niall congratulated us giving us commpliments patting our backs and comforting us i know i shouldn't freak out the guys are awesome and never put us down and accept everything

--three weeks later--

Niall's P.O.V.

it's been three weeks since me and liam has been together and let me tell you it's great but he keeps thinking about uncle Si and managment but i told him to relax and don't worry about we'll figure it out when things get more serious. now i've been thinking lately and everytime me and liam come out to do something together i've noticed lou's been i think jelous or mad or something weirded out so today i decided to talk to him

--knocks on door--

"hey lou you ok"

"yea i'm fine but why aren't you with Liam"

I could ask you the same thing. So i am why aren't you with Harry and laying in bed crying instead huh ??"

"Lou can i please come in"

"Yea it's open come on in"

"Thanks mate now what's up why you in here alone and most importaintly why you crying you trying to make me depressed to huh ?"

"No i'm sorry and you know what i think i need to get this out anyway" he take a deep breath and get ready to tell me what's on his mind "well niall i'm jealous of you and Liam have come out but i want to because i've been thinking and i really do like harry but i'm scared he's going to reject me or be disqusted or something like that plus he's still with Caroline but I love him more than her I'm sure"

I sigh "i knew it when i saw the way you look at me and Liam lately like your depressed or wanted that to i just had that feeling but i can help you with that ok"

"really oh thankyou for helping me Ni i really appreciate it"

"anytime lad i"ll always be here for you where is Harry anyway"

"last time i saw him he said he was going to Caroline's then to the studio he said he needed to clear his head maybe sing alone and practice his vocals"

"oh ok we have plenty of time then lets get to it shall we"

Louis P.O.V.

I really like talking to niall he really helps with my problems he's good to go to for situations he's been telling me to give him compliments hugging him more do lots of activities follow him around like a puppy dog all the time till he gets the point then when you have the chance lean in for a nice passionate kiss man i didn't know he knew so much about love considering he hasn't had that much luck with love well till now of course hahaha. but i listened to every word he says. he's actually been spending more time with me more than Liam but then again they started living at Niall's flat lately so i'm sure he explained what he's been doing but i wondered if Harry has been noticing or even bothered by it at all. Today me and Niall are going to see a movie just me and him so i'm changing when Harry walks in and asks what i am getting ready for

"H-hey lou where you going tonight"

"oh just on a date" omg i didn't mean to say that i'm not dating Niall were just friends he's with Liam i guess it's just cause i've been spending so much time with him lately thats it i tell my brain agreeing on that's what i meant.

"oh really ok then i guess i'll just see you when you get home good luck on your date i'll leave my door open if you want to come in k boo... "

"wait Haz please that's not what i meant" but when i reach the stairs he's already in his room his door closed and locked so i slip a piece of paper before leaving under his door and whisper "love you Haz " hoping he heard me and sob qietly as i head to the door lock the door behind me and get in the car and drive to pick up my "date" Niall and head to the theatre i'm such an idiot i thought as i head to Nialler's flat.

--the note under Harry's door--

Harry i didn't mean date i'm just going to the movies with an old friend from Doncaster promise he's a guy thought you should know i will definately be in your room tonight though ok so see you tonight so don't lock the chain please love you Haz

- Boobear

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