So confused finale

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Niall's P.O.V.

When Louis starts to caress me I turn around let him look at me for a good while then he kisses me lightly then backs off and starts talking.

"Hi Niall I'm in love with you I knew this as soon as I saw you standing there waiting for me to open the door for you in the car at the movies ...... On our first official date."

"We'll that's good I knew I was in love with you when I open the door and you were standing there smiling on our first date my heart was racing and thumping I thought I was going to jump out of my chest. Huh I love you sooo so s-"

"Oh shut up you talk to much" and he shuts me up by crashing his lips hard onto mine laughs lightly. then We lay back down and well you know what happens after that.

Louis's P.O.V.

Uh why does my head hurts so much man me an Harry must've had a little to much to drink and I just got it really bad. I look over at him and he's still fast asleep so I sleepily walk into the bathroom rinse my face wake up a little more than realize I'm completely naked and try to remember last night but I just can't we must've did it if he asks I'll just say it was the best. I stand there trying to thin about it but about 10min of this I fell asleep again still really tired but I mean he's still sleeping so might as well go back to sleep I open the door not bothering to even look around I run towards my side of the bed and crash into a deep sleep.

Harry's P.O.V.

Uh c'mon Lou really why do you always have to take most of the space babe. Uh LOU I open my eyes ready to push him off the bed when I realize I'm in a dark room pretty small and alone. Then I try and remember what happened last night but I can't so I just decide to head upstairs to sleep cause I'm still pretty tired so I open the door and realize I was in the closet all night. Wow I must've had a really weird and long hangover oh well at least Louis not awake yet that's good I'll try not to wake him up and we'll hopefully both go back to bed. Uh I think I love Louis so much sometimes it hurts not even being in the same room as him then I'm in the hallway now I turn the knob to my room open it look at Louis who's fast asleep but then horror. There's a fucking little Irish leprechaun bitch stealing prick NIALL. First I just stand there frozen as my heart drops and sinks in my stomach I'm so surprise shocked depressed and angry all at the same time how could he do this to me and we just started going out to what the fuck did I do wrong. I sob lightly then I get ready and just yell from the top of my lungs


Then I see him sit up an just stares at me then says "wait if your not in the bed then who's" .......... And Niall turns to look at him and Louis freaks out.

"Aahhhhhhhhhh" and I know now he didn't even now they must've been drunk except I think Niall knew what he was doing cause he just stood up awkwardly and smirks and goes heheh "surprise Lulu"

Liam's P.O.V.

Ok I'm freaking out its ten in the morning and my ni has been out for about 12 hours now I haven't gotten a single text message call missed call no I face nothing. He wouldn't do this I just hope he's ok and has hooked up with anyone the fact that he could've brings a chill down my spine and shortness I breath and I panic and call him please answer hahaha all my solos from up all night is his ringtone like a remix. Then he answers

"Hey babe what's up"

"What's up, what'sup? well lets see you left me alone last night you've been gone for 12hours now and I've been worried sick here about you."

"Oh right I'm so sorry babe I'm on my way ok I'm fine nothing happened I just went to the bar last night at Pubs and went to Lou and Harry's flat since it was only ten min away I was going To call you but I was to tired and passed out I'm really sorry I'm on my way ok babe love you so much please understand and forgive me."

"Of course don't worry about it ok I'll see you real soon right."

"Yeah about like 15 min k be right there love you"

"Love you more byee"

"Love you most byee babe" and hang up sigh in relief that nothing bad happened at all thank god

Zayn's P.O.V.

When I woke up this morning I was kinda of feeling guilty about myself because you see Niall came to tell me to help him with this plan or mission thing and ........ I did. Uh why

--2 days ago before last night--

"Hey zayn can I ask you something and you promise you won't tell anyone?"

"Sure you can tell me anything mate what's up"?

"We'll I've been feeling really shitty lately because you see I'm very happy with Liam but there aren't perfect cause I still have a burning desire for Louis and I can't help it what should I do. "

"We'll this might sound a little odd but have a sex off"

"A what what"

"You know sleep with both of them and see which one is better"

"Oh yeah that's pretty clever but how would I ever get Louis to sleep with me when Harry and him are finally together?"

"Easy drug him"

"But then the sex will be pointless he wouldn't even feel it and that's just a waste and stupid."

"No you silly bitch there's a drug called irrevocable lover. And makes them love you for like 5 hours which should be plenty of time to slip in his room drug him wait for it to kick in and fall for you an then boom! sex then the next day fuck Liam and the one you like the best is who you go for. "

"Wow zayn your a lifesaver but where can I get this drug at"

"We'll I'm not proud of this but one of my friends I knew from school is a drug dealer I could hook you up so what do you say it's a little devious but then so is love right."

"Yeah ok lets do it alright OH! But wait what am I going to do about Harry try have always slept together even before they were together so what now."

"Fuck I didn't think of that well why don't you just get some clomipramine"

"What is that"

Basically knock out gas but it lasts for about 11 hours so its very strong just give him one then stick him in their downstairs closet so he's nowhere in sight and probably think he was just really drunk like usual"

"Alright thanks zayn no probably meet me here before the night your going to do this then i'll give it to you and you do your thing ok but don't tell anyone this and I promise I won't tell not a living soul ok mate."

"I promise I won't ok and no problem I'll see you later then ok great bye" and he left my flat just like that.

I can't believe it I went through everything gave him the stupid idea and supplies I sabotaged the whole group now perfect I had to speak up I can never do anything right oh god I wanna just disappear and never return earth ever again.

Wow not what you were expecting was it yep this idea was zayns pretty smart but now what's going to happen to the rest of the group who will break up who will stay together will anything good go right stay tuned and find out in the next chapter XD !!!!!!

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