Explain yourself

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Harry's P.O.V.

Louis walks in tall handsome slightly smiling I embrace him my eyes closed feeling the emotions between us and then I open my eyes to find a blue eyed blonde hair boy patting Lou's back.

"WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK IS HE DOING HERE" I angerly go up to Louis and protest but screaming.

"Look he just came t-" and I'm cut off by Niall

"Well I'm here to explain why I've been hanging out with him most of the time. You have been hanging out or going out with Caroline almost everyday leaving Louis to sit here and wait for you to get back and simply say "sorry Lou to tired to do anything night boo." Then pass out with a drink in your hand but that one night that one special night when she was taking you to meet her parents I was there with him I talked with him so after that I told him I've got his back and ...... Fell deeply in love with him." And Niall leans into Louis and kisses him while saying in a very hush whisper "just go along trust me"

"Then Louis pauses looks around the room and replies "ok"


"Well that didn't go as expected at all." Niall whispers to Louis behind his back

"Well I'm going to go I need some sleep after all it is 6am so yea but why don't you guys talk today and Harry and I can talk tomorrow ok alright great goodnight love you LuLu."and Niall kiss him on the lips then run out the front door into Lou's car and zoom on out of there.

"Ok Lou you want to start."

"Not really I have an idea why don't you ask me questions one by one and I'll try to answer them."

"Or you just come clean and explain everything little at a time".

"Fine if you must be so difficult curly" I love it when he calls me that i feel my face is burning but I'm hoping he can't tell

"Alright here goes then. 2weeks ago you went over To Caroline's parents house to meet them. I was bored and all the other boys were hanging with their friends except for Niall so he came over. Next thing I know I'm watching films and were taking about random things then eat a little and he wound up sleeping over. With his boxers off and he said he was sorry cause he just got with Liam and didn't mean to be half naked but I really didn't care cause I just said oh me and Harry do it all the time. But i guess it didn't really matter since you slept at her house. Then everyday you were going out with Caroline and Niall and I became close since Niall didn't have to see Liam till the night anyways so we hung out everyday then you remember when they first got together and the poster in Liam's book the host well he read liked it a lot and Liam promised they were going to go to the midnight showing but he was still sick so he asked if I could go with him so I did. Then you said come home after but after the movie but I was to tired to even drive so he drive and just went to his house but he made the whole thing up about the boyfriend he's still with Liam. As far as I know but um yeah that's pretty much everything. Your thoughts"

"We'll I guess I have been distant lately but I have been distant cause i thought you were ignoring me with Niall so yeah but everything's good and that's all that matters glad to have everything straighten out."

"Oh and Harry I'm sorry I lied to you about the Doncaster friend but if you knew it was Niall you would have killed me but either way nothing worked out lol."

"Yeah I guess so well I'm kinda tired so I think I'm going to head to bed. "

"Hey your not getting off the hook so easily why were you so mad when he said we were dating and when I first brought him here."

Oh FUCK I'm in trouble what do I say just say 'oh by the way I'm in love with you louis' I can't I'm a pussy.

"Why do you want to know lets just go and cuddle and sleep".

"No your avoiding something you better tell me or I'll go to Niall's and This thing will start up again." C'mon you can tell me anything Harry please."

"Look Lou I would but I just cant it's not right and you won't understand ok I'll tell you when I'm ready alright and the time is right k then I'll tell you everything but it does have to do with you ok boo now let's go I'm to tired to say another word."

"Even for me"

"..... Well I'll say another word for you I would do anything for my boo you know that right?"

"That's what I though just wanted to clarify hahah love you haz goodnight" he says with a huge smile on his face laying next to me.

"goodnight Lou love you more babe". then he closes his eyes as I leave a little love bite on his neck as he moans and grabs my hand. Then he surprise me and tells me

"Uhh Harry keeping going kiss me give me all you've got then leave more love bites please...... fuck Caroline stay with me" but then drifts off and i realize he was dreaming and just talking in his sleep so just a dream and HEY wait he dreams about me dumping Caroline and loving him that's awesome I had a wet dream about him a couple days ago it was different an interesting then i wrap my arms around his back and drift off into deep sleep I can't believe it. should I dump Caroline for Louis ??

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