New york!

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Louis's P.O.V.

At about 4:35am this happens and just blows my mind I love my boyfriend so much.

"Hey lou Lou babe get up c'mon. "

"What yeah what's wrong zaynie you alright".

"Yeah I'm fine but you have to get up please like now or were going to be late."

"Late? For what? "

"Our plane take off ".

"What! The concert is today I thought we had like 2 days more till the concert fuck!"

"No calm down were going early ".

"Oh ok but why?"

"Well I thought you an I can just go all alone to New York and bond there before the concert then well already be there and happy and ready why do you say. "

"OMG! Boo I fuckin love you. Your the best ok but I gotta pack babe. "

"No you don't I already packed for you no worries. "

"Wow I couldn't of asked for anyone else to spend the rest of my life with. I love you have I told you that lately. "

"Yea since we got together actually I find it very comforting and soothing though babe. oh and I love you way more. "

"Na ahhh" I stick my tongue out and he does to.

"C'mon". So sadly I hop out of bed take a quick show throw on a grey long sleeve then my black skinny jeans and chucks. Then I decide to leave my hair the way it is brush my teeth and head out to check and see if he packed my iPod.

"Hey babe did yo-"

"Ummmmmm you smell good" he says grabbing me hugging me tightly and nuzzling his face in my neck I guess smelling my sickly sweet cologne and fresh clean body.

"Well thank you you don't smell to bad your self. " I joke.

"Thanks alright now lets get a move on and yea I packed your iPod left small pocket of the bag baby lets roll "

"Ok" I say and head out the door into a taxi that takes us to the airport. It's quite small but ok our flight takes off in 10 min so I head to the bathroom as zayn gets us some Starbucks. It's cute we've been dating 2 days now and he's stripped for me bought an outfit for me danced and took me out on a perfect date and now taking me on a trip just me and him. An he knows my coffee


"Yea can I get a frappachino with whipped cream and chocolate shavings with Carmel sauce on top and a cappachino just whip cream and a chocolate chip cookie." He says to the lady mines the frapp.

"Ok that'll be 12:80 please". He hands her the money and goes to wait by the pick-up area to wait for our order. After I use the Lou I go and wait by him when I stand next to him I intertwine our fingers as we patiently wait for our order.

"Do you have to use the Lou before we board babe. "

"Nah I'm good just can't wait till we get there. "

"Yeah well thanks to you I'm going o take a nap probably the while ride there but I love you for this so I forgive you. " I say pecking him on the lips softly.

"Frapp and Capp whipped creams. " I guess that's ours so he goes grabs them and hands me mine.

"Aawww you already know me order that's adorable babe. " I say kissing him then we begin to walk onwards our gate waiting for our flight. I wrinkle my nose to the order as haz never learned my order poo and we've been together for 2 days yet he knows without asking me. Just cute.

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