First Meetings

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A/N: This will be the only warning. There are triggers throughout the story as well as mature language and situations. If you find any of this uncomfortable you may not want to read this story.



"Now, get your ass downstairs and finish cleaning the kitchen. You may not be able to cook, you can at least clean," the man growled at the small girl. The girl in question bowed and quickly left the room. Her long tail swished behind her as she scurried down the hallway, her spotted and striped ears flat against her long, untamed hair.

When she arrived in the kitchen she blanched. Her owner may know how to cook, but he was terrible at making a complete mess. Sighing, the girl observed the room. There were dirty pans, dishes and utensils everywhere. There were bits of food on the counters and also on the high cabinets.

How in the hell? The girl wondered as she approached the sink and opened the cabinet below it. The cleaning supplies were inside. Wincing, the girl bent down and took out all the supplies she needed. She carefully stood up and placed a hand on her left side, just under her breast and against the ribs. That morning she had accidentally forgotten to get eggs when she went grocery shopping. Her owner had been displeased.

After showing her his displeasure he made her go back to the store and get double the amount he had originally asked for. The heavy double carton of eggs caused more pain to her now-hurting ribs. Stiffly, the girl put the supplies on the only open space in the kitchen, the counter next to the refrigerator. She went to the cabinet next to the refrigerator and brought out the mop.

It took her two hours to clean the kitchen to her owner's standards. Sweating, she returned the supplies to where she got them and looked at the clock. It was now late afternoon and she knew he usually went out in the afternoons. Hoping that he would decide to go out, the girl walked towards the bathroom. Closing the door behind her softly she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

She had long, yellow-gray curly hair. Her feline ears matched in color to her hair, but with spots, splotches and stripes of a dark brown almost black. She was a unique breed and on her pale skin there was a slight shadow of her coloring when she was in animal form. Turning, the girl whimpered at her tail. She often anxiously groomed her tail as a coping mechanism and there were spots missing hair. When in animal form, there were several patches missing hair. A sign of her anxiety and state of mind.

Due to the missing hair, her owner only let her shift when she was home alone. However, lately, those times had come fewer. Her owner had started to work from home more often "to keep an eye on her" once he realized her monetary value. She was an extremely rare breed of hybrid, only a handful left in existence around the world. Lifting her torn and dirty shirt, the girl saw the dark purple bruise that had been created earlier by her owner's ladle. His favorite punishment device.

"Lee Hye Rin!" The girl, Hye Rin, flinched and quickly lowered her shirt. She hurried from the bathroom towards where she heard his voice. He was standing near the front door of the apartment. They lived in one of the many high-rises you could find in Seoul, South Korea. These particular apartments were near Apgujeong, a more affluent neighborhood in Seoul.

"Y-yes master?" Hye Rin said quietly, head bowed, eyes on the floor, her ears flat. The man eyed her disgustingly.

"Get yourself ready, we are going to the hybrid veterinarian," as he finished speaking, Hye Rin flinched internally.

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