New Places, New Faces

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Hye Rin watched as the head security for her mates dropped his smile and stood back, reapplying his seriousness. She couldn't help but giggle at the man's duality. Sejin just shook his head and continued to talk to the staff that were installing the security systems.

Hye Rin started to wander around with curiosity, slipping inside the house. She saw a rather large shoe area near the door. Toeing off her shoes, Hye Rin put on the slippers that were there and shuffled further in. The slippers were too large for her, but they got the job done.

She found herself in a living room with a large screen television with an open plan to the dining room and kitchen. The kitchen was modern with beautiful stainless steel and white cupboards. The handles matched the stainless steel appliances.

Next to the entryway was a set of stairs that led up. Hye Rin slowly went up the wooden stairs and found herself staring at several doors. These must be where the bedrooms were. Hye Rin opened each one to see them fully furnished save for the bedding. There were several large beds, she wasn't sure what size they were. Nodding her head, she counted the bathrooms and was excited when she found another stairwell. These were narrow and much steeper.

Being the curious cat she was, Hye Rin climbed the stairs until she reached a narrow down to match the narrow stairs. Testing the handle, it easily turned and the door popped open. Smiling, Hye Rin peeked her head in.

It was a small attic room. The room was painted a beautiful lavender, a sitting area on one side and a bookcase on the other. It seemed to be a small library, or at least reading room. Hye Rin liked it, but wished she could have it as her room.

Her ears twitched when she heard feet on the stairs. Turning, Hye Rin smiled at Sejin.

“I thought I heard you up here!” He huffed slightly from climbing the stairs. “Oh, this is nice, small, but nice.” Sejin looked around the room, observing the decorations and sitting area.

“Do you think I could sleep in here?” Hye Rin asked him shyly. He looked at her for a moment, then the room.

“There isn't a bed up here,” Sejin stated, looking around. Hye Rin pouted a little, but didn't want to give in.

“I can sleep in my hybrid form. Just need my small bed and toys in here,” Hye Rin pushed, going to her pack oppa and grabbing his hand. Sejin looked down at her and she started swinging his arm back and forth, a pout on her lips. She gave him her big kitty eyes, giving out little whines. For some reason, Hye Rin felt like she needed this to be her room. She felt herself itching to make her bed in here and thought about all the things she could get from the pack to put around her bed to make it nice and comfortable.

“Aish, not fair Rinnie-ah,” Sejin said in defeat. “Let's ask Chae Ha then, okay?” Sejin put his free hand on Hye Rin's head and ruffled her hair, rubbing the base of her ears. Hye Rin closed her eye and gave out a few chuffs in happiness at both the answer and his actions.

A beeping on his phone made Sejin pull back from Hye Rin. She whined as she opened her eyes, but he gave her an apologetic smile.

“The boys are at the dorm packing. They wanted to know if there is anything specific you would like to bring?” Sejin said, showing her the phone.

“I need my clothes, my bed, and toys,” Hye Rin answered. Sejin nodded and sent the reply.

“Chae Ha messaged in the group chat, he wants to take you somewhere,” Sejin said in a worried tone. Hye Rin looked at him before biting her lip and shrugging.

“Chae Ha is my Alpha, I trust him and you should to, he is your mate.” Hye Rin stated. Sejin shot her a glance.

“It's not that I don't trust him, I'm just wondering where he wants to take you,” Sejin admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “I will send Mr. Lee with you.”

A Hybrid Story   ( BTS x Hybrid F OC )Where stories live. Discover now