Beginning of Bonds

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Hye Rin was bouncing on the balls of her feet as she waited for her mates. She had been spending the last few weeks getting to know them and their relationship dynamics. Jin and Namjoon had been very open with their affections since her heat ended. They would cuddle with her or steal kisses whenever they could.

The rest of them had kissed her over the time. The next kiss she got was from Yoongi one day. She had been visiting them while they were at HYBE. Sometimes she would watch them during their dance practices or spend time with each of them in their studios. She had been cuddling on Yoongi's lap while he was working on some songs when she had slipped when trying to stand up.

“I will get you some more coffee,” She had told him but her tail got tangled with his feet causing her to stumble and fall with her face in his neck. Her breath had caused him to let out a gasp. Afraid she had hurt him, she pulled back to look at his face. They were nearly nose-to-nose when Yoongi had raised a hand to her check, caressing it. She closed her eyes and leaned into the touch, feeling the internal pull to him.

“Hye Rin-ah,” Yoongi said quietly but with a little growl. She shot her eyes open and looking into her eyes, he leaned forward slowly, connecting his lips to her. She melted into the kiss and which caused him to deepen the kiss.

They felt the string tying their souls together and through their close eyes they could see the glow caused by their skin. However, they were enjoying the feeling euphoria in their souls and continued. Yoongi licked her bottom lip seeking entrance and she gave it to him. It wasn't until they heard a beeping sound and running feet that they were knocked out of their little bubble.

A hand was running down her back and she opened her eyes, panting. With eyes dilated, Hye Rin turned to see the rest of her mates. They were all different states, some had their hair in foils getting their hair dyed and others were in different states of dress having been with the stylists.

Surprisingly, Yoongi just gave them a gummy smile and on impulse used one of his hands to cup Namjoon's face. The three who had started the bonding process with her felt connected not just to Hye Rin, but each other as well.

The next kiss happened a few days later when she was watching Hoseok and Jimin. The choreographer had been working with the two on an upcoming performance and wanted their opinion. Finished, he parted and let the two dancers continue to practice the new routine. Hye Rin was enjoying watching them dance, her ears twirling and tail dancing in the air behind her.

“Good job Jiminnie, I think we have it down,” Hoseok breathed out heavily. They were drenched in sweat and had pleased looks on their faces. Hye Rin bounced on the chair as the music continued to play on repeat. She was having so much fun listening and dancing to the music, not aware the boys were now looking at her fondly.

“Rinnie-ah!” Jimin called out and ran towards her. “Do you want to try?”

Hye Rin looked at him unsure, biting her lip.

“Yes, come on and try it baby,” Hoseok said and Hye Rin felt a shiver run through her body at the pet name. Shyly, Hye Rin nodded her head and let Jimin take her hand and drag her to the front of the dance studio in front of the mirrors.

“Okay, let's start from the beginning,” Hoseok said and the two of them walked her through the dance moves.

They had so much fun together and were laughing and goofing off in between run-throughs. The dancers were impressed with her ability to learn the dance and her ability to keep up.

Towards the end, their hands on her linger longer and longer, making Hye Rin antsy. She stumbled once as the feeling of arousal shot through her when Hoseok's hand had grazed the base of her tail. He caught her and their eyes met. Hoseok stared at her and slowly pulled her closer, a hand running up her side and up to her neck.

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