Pack and Unprepared

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Hye Rin let Jungkook take her hand and lead her into HYBE. They had gone in the underground parking garage again and were able to avoid being seen by fans and paparazzi. Lately, the boys had grown more and more concerned about Hye Rin's former owner and have been more cognizant of her being seen now that she is in her human form majority of the time.

As they exited the elevator and made their way to the room they had planned to eat lunch in earlier, Seokjin asked Hye Rin what she would like to eat.

"I'm not hungry," Hye Rin said quietly as she gripped Jungkook's hand tighter. The boy didn't say anything about the tighter grip. Her grip wasn't strong enough to hurt. He was so happy to be holding her hand and to be this close to her. But Jungkook was a little worried about her behavior as well. Seokjin had been texting the group chat about her behavior as well. Everyone expressed how happy they were she was found. Then they, too, started to express their worries.

Yoongi didn't say much at first. Neither did Seijin as they had the benefit of Chae Ha's viewpoint.

"Hye Rin went through a trauma, her animal must have felt abandoned. Even though she has only been with you a short time, it seems she has already been bonding with you," The Pine Marten said. He looked closely at Yoongi before continuing.

"You suspected something like this?" The hybrid asked.

"At first I didn't understand our reactions to her," he said shyly. "So, I started to do some research." Yoongi shifted uncomfortably as Sejin smacked his own forehead and looked at Chae Ha.

"Chae Ha-yah, do you remember reading that one article last year with me at the airport? It talked about when a hybrid inexplicitly shares different physical characteristics with another hybrid or human...?" Sejin trailed off, looking at the hybrid with focus. The hybrid thought it sounded vaguely familiar, but couldn't remember the specifics.

"It sounds familiar, but I can't remember it very well. Hmm," the Pine Marten rubbed his forehead in thought. The boys looked between the two as Jungkook sat in the lounge with Hye Rin on the sofa. They were all sitting down to finally eat their lunch, having heated up the food again.

She had shifted from holding Jungkook's hand to holding onto the edge of his shirt. Hye Rin had started to feel calmer and started to feel embarrassed about her reaction and was trying to decide how to let go without making it a big deal. She was saved when Jungkook caught her attention by placing his chopsticks holding some food in front of her face.

She was startled, but looked up at Jungkook confused. He lifted the side of his mouth in a small smile.

"Hye Rinnie, you need to eat some food, even just a little. Please?" He pleaded with her quietly. Blushing, she looked down, but knew she couldn't deny his pleading. Her heart strings were pulled. Without looking, she opened her mouth and let Jungkook put the food in her mouth.

Bright red, Hye Rin chewed the food carefully before swallowing. Before she could do anything else, another set of chopsticks appeared in front of her, but with different food. Hye Rin looked up to see Jin kneeling in front of her, holding his spare hand under the chopsticks to prevent any food from falling.

Knowing she was blushing harder, Hye Rin lowered her eyes again and accepted the food. Slowly, one-by-one, the boys came forward and fed her some of their food. This way, they all shared their food with her and she was able to eat something.

Sejin and Chae Ha all observed this with interest. Standing at the back of the room, they had a quiet conversation.

"Chae Ha, is this what I think it is?" Sejin asked, watching the group.

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