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The hybrid giggled at the reaction of the guys. She thought it was a little funny how they reacted when she called their manager oppa.

"You guys call me 'hyung,' why can't Rinnie-ah call me 'oppa?'" Sejin asked looking innocent. Hye Rin looked at him and had to bite her lip as she saw the teasing glint in his eyes.

"We- but- how-" Jungkook couldn't seem to string a sentence together and Hye Rin looked at the others. They all had faces in different states of shock and wonder.

"Well boys, it's time for you all to head to the dorm. You have a busy next couple of days!" Bang PD said as he nodded to them. He approached Hye Rin and took one of her hands. "And you, my dear, are now part of the family. Let Sejin know if you need anything, alright?" He clasped her hand between the two of his, bending to make eye-contact with her.

Hye Rin could only nod her head, feeling a little shy. Bang PD squeezed her hand before releasing it and leaving the room.

"Hye Rin-ah," the girl turned to see Namjoon walking closer to her, a strange look in his eyes.

"Yes, Namjoon-ssi?" Hye Rin asked looking up. Now that Namjoon was standing right in front of her, she had to crane her head back to meet his eyes.

"It's nice to finally meet you!" Namjoon said eagerly and swept her up into a hug. Hye Rin was surprised, she had never been hugged in human form before. She just kept herself stiff, not knowing what she was supposed to do.

"Oh, I am sorry!" Namjoon said before putting her down. He let go a little too soon and Hye Rin staggered a little when her feet hit the ground.

"Yah, Joon-ah, be careful with her!" Seokjin said as he came over and lightly smacked the back of Namjoon's head.

"Sorry!" Namjoon said, blushing with embarrassment. Hye Rin just shook her head. "Also, I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable by hugging you."

Hye Rin shook her head and looked at the boy. "Namjoon-ssi, I wasn't uncomfortable. I... just haven't been hugged before. I didn't know what to do," she admitted the last part quietly. Hye Rin looks down, not wanting to see their faces. She is starting to see that she has missed out a lot and that her previous owners had purposely lied to her so that they could keep a leash, so-to-speak, on her.

"Oh, sweetheart, keep your beautiful eyes up here." Hye Rin looked up to see that Hoseok had come cover and was crouching down to meet her eyes. When their eyes met, he gave her a sweet smile and reached his hand out. He pet her between her ears and Hye Rin felt herself relax. Her eyes started to close and small humming sound came from her. It was as close to a purr she will ever get. Only one other time had she made this sound, it was when one of her pervious owner's son had pet her as a child.

After that, the introductions continued with everyone insisting on giving Hye Rin a quick hug. By the time they had gotten to the maknae line, Hye Rin knew how to respond.

"Let me fill you on what happened today," Sejin began. As the boys listened to Sejin tell them about their day, Hye Rin found herself getting shy again. It was different being in her human form, where her face told them everything. Trying to hide, Hye Rin scooted towards the couches that were pushed again one of the non-mirrored walls.

Most of the staff had already left and only a few were still behind. One was their dance instructor, Sung Deuk. He saw the hybrid approaching and averted his eyes. Hye Rin was grateful that he was giving her space as she saw the sound equipment. She had been curious at the system they had that played their music. Slowly, keeping her face hidden in her curls by bending her head forward, Hye Rin reached the sound system. It was large and there were many buttons and wires.

A Hybrid Story   ( BTS x Hybrid F OC )Where stories live. Discover now