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As Chae Ha picked up his suffering pack member, with Sejin's help, there were fifteen famous KPOP idols watching them load Hye Rin in Chae Ha's car. As the car pulled away with the little pack, the idols looked at each awkwardly.

"Well, I guess we should go have that meeting," Namjoon said, meeting eyes with Chris. The leader of Straykids nodded agreement as they both rounded up their members.

When they got back to HYBE, they agreed to sit down in a more relaxed space than a conference room. The only other spots to meet in was the cafeteria or one of the dance studios. So, that is how the two idol groups, their assistants, and their managers ended up spread around one of BTS's private studio.

"So the demos we've been passing back and forth to each sound really good," ChangBin said out loud.

"But, they sound like something is missing..." Yoongi finished. Everyone nodded and agreed. There was something missing. "Okay, let's think on it. The album isn't due for a few weeks, we can call or meet again in a couple of days?"

Everyone agreed with Yoongi's suggestion. They said their farwells, before they left, Felix and Chris stopped and turned to BTS.

"Please tell Hye Rin, after her heat she is welcome to meet our hybrids if she wants," Chris said as Felix nodded head his enthusiastically.

"Wait, how do you know Hye kin?" Jin asked, brows furrowed.

"Awhile ago, we met this very scared feline hybrid crouched down in the middle of a busy road," Felix said charfully. All of BTS froze.

"In the middle of a busy road?" Hoseok asked tightly.

"Oh, she didn't tell you? We were on our way to a meeting when there was sudden traffic. I convinced our driver to pull over," Chris explained. "When we stopped all I could see was someone in distress. It wasn't until I got closer that I saw that it was a feline hybrid. She let me convince her to get out of the street. We barely got to tell her our names when she bolted away in fear."

"There has only been one time when Hye Rin was by herself for so long ..." Namjoon said and the others nodded with sad faces. "We hadn't realized she was left home alone on accident."

"Oh, now it makes sense. That happened once with Jae In, our bird hybrid. He cried the entire time we were gone. Our other hybrid had gone to an appointment. But, it's surprising Hye Rin left the safety of her den to look for someone," Chris said with pursed lips.

"Hyung, we need to go," Felix said apologetically. They nodded a goodbye and left, leaving them wondering.

"Namjoon-hyung," Jungkook said, grabbing the leader's attention as everyone else started to gather their belongings. "I'm worried about Hye Rin." Namjoon approached the Maknae and threw an arm around his shoulders.

"Me too, Koo," the leader admitted, biting his lip. "I feel like I should be doing something."

"Yeah, I feel like I, or we, should be with her," everyone looked at Yoongi with surprise. The introverted rap genius blushed as everyone stared at him. "I feel in my gut, that we should be with her during this time. To be honest, it kept running through my mind during the meeting."

"I kept thinking about her, too." Hobi blushed, but his sentiment was echoed by everyone.

"But, what does this mean?" Taehyung asked them all. They just shook their heads and did their best to move faster to head to their apartment. They hurried out of the studio and went to report to one of the other managers they had finished for the day.

Piling in the van was a tight fit, but they didn't want to wait for a second van to arrive. They all fretted on the way and bounced on their feet in the elevator. When they are arrived at their apartment, Seokjin quickly typed in the code to enter. They pushed their way in and was surprised by a very silent apartment.

A Hybrid Story   ( BTS x Hybrid F OC )Where stories live. Discover now