Doctor and Results

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Hye Rin was jolted awake by a new, heavy musk smell. Shaking, she jolted to her feet and swayed frantically trying to find the new threat, or what she perceived as a threat. Heart racing, frantically looking around she felt a hand placed on her back. Quickly, she whipped around, nearly falling over, but saw that it was one of the boys from before. The one that smelled like spring sunshine.

"Easy there, this is our Manager, Sejin-hyung," he said in a chipper, but calming voice. Hye Rin stood staring at his eyes shaking until he started to move his hand down her back in calming, slow strokes.

Alongside the slow strokes, Hye Rin slowly started to calm down before laying down again. Now noticing that she was no longer laying on the floor in a bedroom. She was laying on a thick blanket on a sofa. Hyre Rin turned to see a man sitting in a chair across the room from her. He was wearing glasses and smiled at her when their eyes met. Hye Rin, knowing to be polite, dipped her head a little as a bow.

"Nice to meet you," he said also bowing in return. Slowly, Hye Rin raised her nose showing that she was smelling him. Then she met his eyes and cocked her head, hoping he got the idea to come closer.

"Hyung, I think it wants you to come closer," the spring sunshine said with a small chuckle. Sejin slowly stood up and made his way across the room towards Hye Rin. He didn't want to scare her again and cause additional injuries.

As he got closer, he knelt down in front of her and offered a hand to smell. "Hoseok, you were right. It has unique markings for a cat," Sejin said to the man next to Hye Rin. She figured that must be his name.

Hye Rin met his eyes again and slowly moved her head forward to his hand. She didn't want him to get scared and make them return her to her former owner. Getting close, she could smell that under the heavy musk was a slight citrus smell. Hye Rin was confused and furrowed her cat eyebrows at Sejin.

"Ah, you must smell my hybrid on me. He is a Pine Maarten," Sejin said reading her body language. Knowing that Sejin had a hybrid of his own made Hye Rin relax even further. He seemed like a gentle person and the fact that the boys she was with are friends with him, then he could be trusted. Surprising him, she moved forward and licked his palm a sign that it was okay to pet her.

Slowly, he moved his hand to her and gave it a couple strokes. Hye Rin gave him a couple chuffs before nuzzling her head into his palm a little. "If I had found it first, this little one would be mine. I am already in love," Sejin confided to Hoseok, looking at him. "Don't worry, I would try to steal it."

Hye Rin was starting to feel weird, her head was pounding and suddenly she dropped her head down. The men with her started to worry at her sudden drop.

"Hyung, how much longer until the doctor is here?" Hoseok asked Sejin as he knelt on the ground next to him, taking Hye Rin's face in his hands looking at her eyes.

"He should be here any minute," their voices were raised and it brought the rest of the boys to the room. They were scared for her and when a hand pet on the farthest back of her head Hye Rin let out a yelp. She had forgotten about the head injury from the accident. It was making itself known now.

The hand that was petting her head stilled and then slightly touched the offending spot.

"Hyung, look!" Hye Rin could smell her blood as the hand when from the back of her head to the front near her nose.

"Oh, poor little thing, what happened to you?" She heard a man ask. It was a lovely voice, the one that was using the phone earlier. A few moments later they heard the bell to their front door. Sejin jumped up from his spot on the floor and ran towards the front door.

A Hybrid Story   ( BTS x Hybrid F OC )Where stories live. Discover now