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As Hye Rin was getting better acquainted with Taehyung's friends, they were all oblivious to the photographer sneakily taking more and more photos. The shutter of the camera was covered by the loudness of the group and by the normal workings of a photo shoot clean-up.

The men did not want to stop petting Hye Rin, but Taehyung took them bodily by the arm and dragged them out for their planned hang out. When the trio left, Sejin finally woke up.

"It's time to head back to the dorm!" He informed them, cheerfully now that he had had a nap. Hye Rin went up to the man and rubbed herself on his legs, making sure to headbutt them as well. He chuckled crouching to give the girl some nice chin scratches.

"I think she has officially warmed up to you, Sejin-hyung," Jungkook said with his bunny-like smile. The boys crowded around as their manager started to snuggle up with Hye Rin.

"Chae Ha, my hybrid, loves her smell on me. He says that if they meet, they would be a friend pack," Sejin let them know. They had all met Chae Ha, the Pine Maarten who is part of Sejin's family. The man was unique and funny, definitely someone who needed someone to take care of and be taken care of.

"Well, we should set up a meet up once Hye Rin is better?" Jin asked them all and they nodded, even Hye Rin. She was definitely enjoying the smell of the Pine Maarten on Sejin.

"Let's head back and eat!" Jungkook nearly shouted as he ran towards to assistant who was holding his bag. Everyone chuckled at the maknae, not knowing that their new maknae was also watching with amusement, giving a few chuffs.

Hye Rin knew they had a lot of getting to know each other and when she found out the boys had taken her guardianship, she was happy. They had told her that until she can have a say in her future, they just wanted to protect her. Sejin explained about the hybrid history and laws over the many times she was left with the man.

"Ready to go, beautiful?" Hye Rin looked up to see Yoongi giving her his signature gummy smile. Hye Rin didn't want to admit it, but every time she got a smile or called beautiful by the boys, she felt her heart flutter.

Hye Rin nodded and Yoongi crouched down to pick her up. Feeling like being a brat, Hye Rin jumped over his crouched form and started to run around the nearly empty studio. She made sure to stay away from the people, but she wanted to play with them.

"Oh, is that how it's going to be?" Hye Rin turned to see a smirking Jimin leaning against Jungkook. They were both watching in amusement at how Hye Rin had teased Yoongi.

"She is definitely being a brat," Hye Rin heard from near her. She turned her head to see a gleefully smirking Hoseok with Namjoon. They were trying to corral her into the corner, but she knew their game. When they were within fingertip distance, she dove to the opposite side and dove under a few of the chairs and tables against the walls.

They played chase for a few minutes before Sejin called to tell them the van was ready. Feeling cocky at not being caught, Hye Rin strutted her way out the door, flicking her tail at the closest members to her.

"Fuck, that's kind of hot," was whispered. Hye Rin didn't hear the comment as she had already exited the door and the crowd outside was loud.

"Yeah, that was...something," Yoongi agreed with Hoseok. The rest of the boys kept their mouths shut, unsure of what to say. They all agreed and felt attracted to the hybrid, but worried that she might not like them, or might not like them when she was shifted. The doctor had warned them that while in animal form, Hye Rin would be more affectionate. They just hoped she would be just as affectionate when in human form.

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