Left Alone

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*****Trigger warnings, mentions of self-harm and self-hate, abandonment, etc.******


Namjoon kept his word. The next morning, he called Sejin to help find her a tutor. Sejin agreed and shared with Namjoon his thoughts from the day before. They talked about how they discovered Hye Rin only knows how to recognize the letters of her name. It was a happy circumstance that they found Hye Rin a tutor quickly.

Sejin's hybrid, Chae Ha, had been looking for a new job but hadn't decided what he wanted to do. He had been an adjunct professor at a university, but decided the university setting wasn't for him. He had heard the conversation Sejin was having on the phone with Namjoon and offered to do the job.

It was agreed that Chae Ha and Hye Rin would meet in the afternoon the next day at HYBE to see if they liked each other. Hye Rin was nervous to meet the Pine Marten. What if he didn't like her? Sejin had assured her many times that Chae Ha really wanted to meet her and was sure they would be friends.

"B-but..." they didn't let her finish that thought. Hye Rin would sigh softly but didn't finish what she was saying. She knew that masters have the right to make decisions for her. She couldn't go against their decision. They were her new masters. Strange ones, who don't want to be called masters, but nice as well. She felt close with Sejin, but he wasn't one of her new masters. Hye Rin didn't understand the connection she had with him.

Hye Rin hoped that this type of ownership would last. She was afraid that any day they would change. Hye Rin feared that BTS would turn out like every other owner she has had before. She still hesitated asking for things and did her best to keep quiet.


After making the appointments for the hybrids to meet, BTS dispersed for their schedules. Sejin was already busy, having meeting after meeting and he apologized they probably wouldn't get the chance to see each other today. Various other managers appeared at the apartment and took boys with them as they left. When Hye Rin went to take a shower both Taehyung and Jimin were still at home.

When Hye Rin finished her shower, she was surprised to hear silence. She was drying her hair with a towel as she exited the bathroom. In her room, Hye Rin put on some wide-legged khaki slacks and a white blouse. There was a dark brown jacket laying on her bed for later if she needed it. Taehyung and Jimin had offered to plan her outfit for the day and she smiled in gratitude.

Putting her towel in the basket near her door she went into the hallway carrying her blazer and inspected each person's room. Empty. Room after empty room started to worry Hye Rin. Heart pounding, she grew frantic and ran through all the rooms in the apartment.

Did they abandon her? Did she break too many rooms? Was she not doing enough as their hybrid? Hye Rin's thoughts ran through her head over and over again. She wasn't aware of how attached she had become to them over the weeks she had been with them. The only thing she was greeted with in the apartment were their slowly fading scents.

"I have to find them!" Hye Rin said out loud, her brain getting cloudy from the fear of being abandoned. Rejected. She couldn't think straight, but she was able to remember to put on her blazer and then slid on her white tennis shoes. Her outfit was a product of the shopping trip she had taken with Sejin. The boys hadn't had the time to do a bigger shopping trip yet due to their schedules. Hye Rin herself didn't mind not getting more clothes as she already had more than she ever had before.

Running out the front door, Hye Rin followed the boys' scents until she made it to the elevator. She pushed both of the buttons. More like she slapped the wall where they both were. Standing here, Hye Rin bounced from the balls of her feet with anxiety.

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