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The members jumped to their feet and ran towards Hye Rin, but she cowered because she was still running on adrenaline. They immediately stop when they see her cower down, ears flat, and tail between her legs. They all look at each other before everyone turned to look at Yoongi, their calmest mate.

“Hye Rinnie,” Yoongi cooed quietly and sat on the floor in front of her. The rest of the members took a few steps back as they observed the blackness of her eyes. Her pupils were so large that all the color was gone. They could see that she was running on instincts.

Hye Rin on the other hand started to feel guilty she had reacted to her mates that way. Her hybrid explained that it was its fault because it was the one in control. Hye Rin assured it that everything is will be forgiven and no one is mad a them.

“Hye Rinnnnie,” Yoongi drew out her name a little longer, hoping to get her to focus on him. It worked.

Hye Rin looked at her sitting mate and her ears perked up, tail start to move out from under her body. She slowly slunk her way to the man and laid her head on his shoulder, her nose at his neck. She needed to smell his scent and feel their bond. She needed the reassurance that she did, in fact, get away

Yoongi raised his hand and started to scratch her between the ears, causing her to let out a couple chuffs. She pulled back a little and their eyes met. Her pupils were now back to their normal size and her golden eyes were back. Yoongi smiled and he bumped her nose with his.

This surprised Hye Rin, this was a feline behavior of showing affection. Yoongi giggled at her perplexed and confused expression.

“We've been studying babygirl,” Yoongi crooned. If she had been in her human form, Hye Rin would have definitely been blushing. Hye Rin also felt her heart grow at the confession that they were trying to learn about hybrid tendencies and affection.

To show her affection, she rubbed her face on his and then gave him a little lick no the cheek. The pair turned when they heard a few “awws" and “I want a kitty kiss,” the latter coming from Hoseok.

Hye Rin ducked her head as Yoongi wrapped his arms around her. They felt their bond humming with happiness on both ends. Hye Rin hoped that Chae Ha would eventually discover an explanation for everything everyone in their mate group was going through.

Hye Rin looked at each of her mates, but noticed one more devastated than the rest. Taehyung kept his head hung low and had silent tears falling. Giving a last soft headbutt to Yoongi, Hye Rin disentangled herself from him, eyes on Taehyung. Everyone watched with curiosity as she approached him. They saw her body language change to reflect what they saw this morning.

“Taehyung, what is going on?” Jin asked. “The last time I saw her act like this was when she thought we were rejecting her during her heat, and that was in her human form.”

The boys whipped their head from Jin, who they had focused on before, to Taehyung. The man in question looked, and definitely felt guilty. He had misinterpreted everything and was shocked that instead of being rejected by her, she felt rejected by him.

“I-I thought she was happy with all of you because she already bonded with you. I thought she didn't want to bond with me,” Teahyung said softly. Hye Rin heard and was confused.

“Oh, Taehyungie, someone was going to be last. You two just hadn't had the chance to be alone yet,” Namjoon said, shaking his head a little at him. “We're sorry if you felt that way, and I know Hye Rin is excited to bond with all of her mates. But, something tells me there is a little more to all of this.” He raised his eyebrow at the younger one, who gulped and bit his lip.

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