Name and Meeting Friends

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Unless otherwise stated....these updates are all unedited >.<


Jungkook had the idea to write down all the Hangeul letters on pieces of paper. As Taehyung and Jimin helped, they wrote them on large pieces of paper to help Hye Rin better point them out. When Jungkook had suggested the idea at dinner, Hye Rin and nodded her head in agreement.

"Okay, let's get started!" Jungkook said as he laid out the letters like they are on the computer keyboards. Hye Rin slowly tapped her nose to spell out her last name. Jimin was sitting nearby with a paper and pen to write down the letters she pointed to.

"Lee..." Jimin said after he wrote the first two letters of her surname. (A/N: Lee= English, 이=Korean). Hye Rin lifted her head and nodded. Then she approached the rest of the letters.

"Hye Rin," Jimin read out loud.

"Lee Hye Rin!" Jungkook jumped cheering. Hye Rin flinched at the shout, a reminder of her owner. Hye Rin shrunk down a little bit. The boys were chuckling, some of them mimicking Jungkook. Every time someone shouted her name, Hye Rin felt her heart lurch as she shrunk down, curling her tail down and flattening her ears back.

Jin turned to talk to Yoongi when he saw Hye Rin. He noticed she looked terrified and saw her flinch whenever the guys shouted her name. Standing up quickly, Jin quieted the boys down.

"Guys, perhaps we shouldn't be shouting her name," Jin waved his hand towards the shaking feline. Jungkook felt guilty, regretting his shout. He was just excited that his idea worked and they know her name.

Jungkook rushed towards Hye Rin, but the memory of the shouting kept her inside her memory and so as she could see a dark shape approach her, she quickly darted under the sofa. She squeezed her body underneath. Her head injury ached as it rubbed on the bottom of the sofa. Her legs and ribs ached and she slowly crawled towards the middle and back. The sofa was up against the wall, so Hye Rin was heading for safety.

The boys froze at her reaction. Jungkook, on the other hand, started to cry.

"I scared her!" He sobbed out. Jimin and Taehyung rushed forward to hug the maknae between them, the rest following behind.

As the boys surrounded the crying boy, Jin and Yoongi looked at each other and then the sofa. They both nodded to each other then laid on their stomachs, looking for where under the vast sofa Hye Rin was hiding.

At first, they couldn't see anything but darkness. But then, there, a flash of her eyes, they saw her. Hye Rin felt embarrassed by her reactions, but her inner animal was in control. Everything scared her, after years of being treated the way she has been treated.

"Hye Rin, everything is okay, you are okay," Yoongi said softly. Hye Rin's ears flickered at the newly familiar voice. Next to him, Jin slowly reached his hand under the couch towards Hye Rin, but did not make the effort to really reach her. He wanted to give her the option to her.

Inside Hye Rin knew they hadn't hurt her, but everything was a bit confusing for her still. There were periods of time where she was fine, but then her head would feel fuzzy and she would get confused about where she was.

"Hye Rin, beautiful, let's change those bandages, hunh?" Jin asked the shivering feline. As her vision blurred a little, Hye Rin shook her head a little, but not in a way to say 'no.'

"Oh, beautiful, your head is hurting? If you come out here, we can give you your medicine to help with the ache," Jin cooed, catching the girl's eyes.

Pain to go away? Hye Rin was one hundred percent on board for that. Being cramped under the sofa everything was starting to hurt more. There was blood seeping through the bandages the doctor had put on earlier and her aching head was making her feel a little nauseous.

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