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Chae Ha and Sejin were in the car heading back to their apartment. Chae Ha was starting to remember an article that was in a Theological Journal he had been using when teaching at the university. It had been trying to debunk some sort of hybrid legend. Chae Ha hadn't been using the article itself, but another article in the journal. Sejin was sitting in the seat of their car and was biting his lip. He loved the members of BTS as family since they met. He was worried about everything that had been happening, but was trying to keep it from showing.

“Sejin-ah, we need to go through my old boxes from when I was teaching. I am sure the journal I am thinking of is in one of the boxes,” Chae Ha said as he pulled the car into a parking space. They got out of their car quickly and looked around, trying to be cautious.

They got inside their place and quickly went towards their storage room. Chae Ha's teaching boxes were in the back corner and stacked in chronological order. Not caring, they just started grabbing boxes and rummaged through them before moving on to the next one. There were four boxes left, but they had gotten lucky and found the one they were looking for. It was full of the Theological Journal.

They skimmed through each and found the one they were looking for. Chae Ha quickly thumbed through it, trying to find the article he remembered. He found it and started to skim. However, turning the page he found that it had been torn out. Growling in frustration, Chae Ha was about to throw it across the room when Sejin grabbed his ahnd.

“Hey, babe, calm down,” Sejin said, raising a hand to pet his mate between his ears to calm him down. Chae Ha took a deep breath, closing his eyes and tried to get himself to calm down. “Let's take a beat and think.”

Chae Ha opened his eyes and then looked down at the article. Standing up abruptly, he carried the journal towards his office. Sitting at his desk, turned on his computer. Chae Ha pulled up the site for the Journal. Searching the name of the article: “An Analytical Look at the ‘Destined Mates' legend.”

It had several thousand reads and Chae Ha opened it. However, he was tired and his eyes started to ache. “I'm going to print us a couple of copies to read,” Sejin nodded and walked over to the printer to turn it on.

Several minutes later, the couple was sitting on the sofa in their living room, reading the article.

“No, they can't be Destined Mates,” Chae Ha declared. Sejin looked at his mate with a raised brow. The description of Destined Mates in the article was quite accurate to what they had been observing. Mates glowed gold, blue glow meant a Destined Protector.

“Why do you say that, Chae Ha-ah?” Sejin asked, having not read as far as Chae Ha yet.

“Well, it says that the Destine Mates will also have Destined Parents,” Chae Ha said, pointing at the particular paragraph. “While we are the pack leaders, and I felt the pull, we didn't give birth to any of the pack.” Chae Ha snorted.

“But then, what about the glow we've been observing? Also, it describes that at least one mate, the most crucial and vulnerable mate would have characteristics of the others. Hye Rin matches that,” Sejin said, countering Chae Ha. His mate gave him a look.

“Honey, they can't be the Destined Mates,” Chae Ha said, turning back to try and finish the article. When he got to the third-to-last paragraph, he breath caught.

“What is it?” Sejin asked, but Chae Ha couldn't respond. He was stuck on the last paragraph of the article. Sejin furrowed his brows before standing up and walking to his mate. He knelt in front of him, placing a hand on his knee. Soon, he could see tears gathering in Chae Ha's eyes.

A Hybrid Story   ( BTS x Hybrid F OC )Where stories live. Discover now