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Hye Rin wouldn't let Jin go. The rest of the boys felt slightly jealous, they wished they had the cuddly hybrid on their lap. Jin felt like he was in heaven, but was also try to keep from getting a hard on as Hye Rin wriggled on his lap. He also insisted on feeding the hybrid, not letting her pick up a spoon or chopsticks.

Only Sejin and Chae Ha understood the unconscious actions they all were following. The couple were trying to figure how to explain the courting behavior they were all exhibiting.

"Hye Rin-ah," Chae Ha said to get the other hybrid's attention. Hye Rin turned slightly glazed eyes to her pack alpha. "What do the members smell like to you?” Hye Rin tilted her head for a moment.

"Jin-oppa smells like freshly baked cookies, Yoongi-oppa smells like earthy-soil,” Hye Rin began shyly. The members listened carefully as she listed their smells in age order. "Hobi-oppa smells like spring sunshine. Joonie-oppa smells like cedar, Jiminie-oppa smells like vanilla . TaeTae-oppa smells like fresh washed linen, and Kookie-oppa smells like flowers." Hye Rin said but then added, "there is another floral scent that they all have under that main scent."

Every member of BTS froze, but then broke out in grins. Hye Rin was confused why they were all so happy. She looked at her pack alpha in confusion. The members knew enough about hybrids to know what that under scent meant.

"Oh honey," Chae Ha commented with a smile. "That means they are your mates." Hye Rin was still confused, she went to speak but at that moment a huge wave of heat when through her body. She whimpered as she began to sweat heavily. Jin looked at a loss of what to do, but Chae Ha and Sejin moved quickly.

“Until she can lucidly consider your relationship, Sejin and I will help your mate through her first heat," Chae Ha explained to them. They looked like they wanted to protest but Namjoon agreed.

“Guys, he's right. I say we do some research on how to court and take care of our m-mate as humans," Namjoon got out, blushing when he said the word ‘mate.’ They all watched as Chae Ha scooped up their whimpering mate following behind Sejin backed down the hallway.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~* ~


The members sat silently as they thought about the revelation that they were Hye Rin's mates. They were happy when they found out. Each member thought back to when they first saw her. Yes, they had been drawn to her, but hadn't realized that the pull they felt was more than just concern for the hurt hybrid.

"I'm glad we're all her mates," a voice said softly. Everyone snapped their heads to their Golden Maknae. Everyone knows that Jungkook found it hard to share many things but learned to be less selfish.

"Oh, Kookie doesn't mind that one of us will help her with her perilla leaves?" (AN: Remember the MBTI episode of RUN! BTS?) Hoseok teased. Jungkook blushed a little, but joined his hyungs in their chuckling.

"But I'm serious. If I have to share her, I'm glad it's my hyungs,” Jungkook said as everyone gazed at him like the proud older brothers they are.

"I'm glad, too,” Taehyung said, sporting his famous boxy grin. The rest of the boys agreed in their own ways.

"I knew this Bangtan shit was for life," Yoongi began with and indignant shout from Jin.

"Language!" Everyone cracked up, even Jin.

"But now, there is no getting rid of any of us.” Yoongi gave them all his gummy smile, his cheeks slightly pink. Everyone looked at him, smiles matching his own.

"Okay, so let's get started on our research!"

A few hours later saw the members strewn across the living room. Some had books bought and delivered, others had their laptops or phones with paper and pens taking notes. A knock at the door startled them as Jin went to answer the door.

It was a package for Chae Ha. The hybrid had told them earlier that he was expecting one.
Jin took the surprisingly heavy box and carried it to Hye Rin's door, hesitating just a moment before knocking. Sejin answered the door looking sweaty and flushed. Jin bristled at the look of his Manager, subconsciously reacting to the knowledge of another man with his mate.

"Oh good, Chae Ha, Jin is here," Sejin sighed out. Jin heard the whimpering in the background and a relieved looking Chae Ha entered Jin's line of sight.

"You have it?" Chae Ha asked. Jin held the medium-sized box up so that Chae Ha could see. The Pine Marten looked relieved and stepped up to the door to take the package.

"Oh, thank goodness!"

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

A Hybrid Story   ( BTS x Hybrid F OC )Where stories live. Discover now