Lost and Found

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Hye Rin turned to see a retriever hybrid standing to her side, but she couldn't smell him. He was tall and wearing nice clothes and shoes. Around his neck was a lanyard with a square tag on it. Looking closely, Hye Rin could see a small picture of him on it.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you," he said as he took a step closer, tail wagging. "My name is Kim Jae So."

Hye Rin looked at him again, then realized he was wearing scent blockers. Deciding she probably needed to talk to him, she turned back into her human form. The man gave her a small smile.

"What's your name?" He asked, maintaining his distance. Hye Rin ducked her head, fingers fiddling with each other out of shyness.

"Hye Rin," she whispered. She didn't see the big grin on the other hybrid's face.

"Nice to meet you!" He said enthusiastically. "Are you here on your break, or meeting someone?"

Hye Rin shuffled foot-to-foot before answering.

"I got lost," Hye Rin whispered. Kim Jae So looked horrified.

"Oh no, you don't have a phone? Here, you can use mine." He tried to hand Hye Rin the phone, but she just shook her head. "Where do you live? I can help you get home."

Again, Hye Rin could only shake her head. "I don't remember where I live. I'm still new to the area." Hye Rin admitted. She didn't want to admit that she couldn't read, so she couldn't even tell him the name of the apartments.

"Then let me take-" he was cut off by someone shouting her name. They both turned and Hye Rin could have cried in relief. Hye Rin didn't hesitate and ran into the waiting arms of the smell she had been desparately following earlier.

"Oh, my dear Hye Rin-ah," Hye Rin heard whispered.

"Jungkook-ah," Hye Rin could smell Seokjin's scent before she saw him. Jungkook moved so that Hye Rin could now be seen. She could hear him gasp before taking both her and Jungkook into his arms.

"We're are so sorry!" Seokjin mumbled out. Hye Rin realized he was crying and she pulled back just enough to wipe the tears running out of his eyes, soaking the top of my mask.

"Oh, Hye Rin, looks like your family found you!" The boys froze and turned to look at the male hybrid.

"You know our Hye Rin?" Seokjin asked levelly.

"We just met. She was scared saying she was lost. I tried to offer my phone but she didn't seem to know a phone number. She said she just moved here so she couldn't use the navigation either," the hybrid said, tail wagging though his ears were a little flat.

"Thank you for trying to help, we will take it from here," Seokjin said, pulling both Jungkook and Hye Rin into a tighter hug.

"Th-thank you," Hye Rin mumbled out shyly. The hybrid gave her a happy yip and walked away.

"We didn't realize you hadn't gone with anyone this morning, darling," Seokjin said, nuzzling his face into her hair.

"I don't know why I panicked," Hye Rin admitted.

"Maybe it's because it is the first time it happened since you joined us?" Jungkook queried. But Hye Rin didn't have an answer, so she didn't. The boys reluctantly pulled back from Hye Rin. However, Hye Rin grabbed at Jungkook's sleeve and wouldn't let go. She didn't know why, but she felt like she couldn't let him go now that she finally caught his scent.

Jungkook just looked at her with big eyes and then looked at Seokjin. The older one just looked at him with a small smile. They had all been aware of how desperate Jungkook was for Hye Rin to let him near her and now, she wasn't letting go of him.

"Hye Rin, would you like to hold my hand?" Jungkook asked her shyly, turning slightly pink. Hye Rin was bright red and looked at her feet before giving a small nod.

"I'll message the group chat to them know we found Hye Rin," Seokjin told them and retreated a little. Hye Rin then noticed some of their security at a far distance trying to look inconspicuous.

"Yours was the only scent I could pick up, I followed it, but ended up here," Hye Rin told Jungkook as she looked around the park again. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Jungkook look at her, but didn't know what to say. "I'm not blaming you or anything, but I wanted to tell you."

Jungkook was saved from answering by Seokjin coming back, putting his phone in his pocket.

"We need to head back to the company, we still have some time before the afternoon schedules and we still need to eat," Seokjin said as he ushered them towards their security. As they got closer, Hye Rin could see one of their vans pull up and the door opened.

Seokjin waved for both of them to enter first. As they got in, Jungkook insisted on buckling Hye Rin's seatbelt for her. Hye Rin sat in the middle of the seat as both Jungkook and Seokjin sat on either side of her.

"We need to get you a cell phone," Seokjin told her and Jungkook nodded.

"Yeah, you need to be able to call us if you need to. Plus, when you make friends you can get their numbers, too."

Hye Rin looked between the two of them, a little confused.

"You want to buy me a cell phone, for it to be useful to me. Not for you to be able to call me whenever you need or want me?" Hye Rin had only once had a cell phone before but it was a child's phone. It was designed to only call a pre-programmed phone number and could only receive calls from her master.

"Of course, it's for you. Why would you think that?" Jungkook asked as the driver took them towards the company. So Hye Rin told them of her previous experiences.

"Hye Rin, remember, you are our family, we are not your owners or masters, okay?" Seokjin took Hye Rin's chin gently and made her look at him. She just stared at him as her brain tried to understand what she was being told.

"Hye Rin, you are free now. You are not owned." Seokjin said it with such conviction Hye Rin felt as if she had to believe him. Something in her stomach fluttered as she stared into his eyes. Then her heart fluttered and tears filled her eyes.

"Oh, pretty girl, don't cry!" Seokjin started to worry and reached forward to wipe at the tears now falling.

"I-I can't e-ever re-remember being free," Hye Rin sobbed out and Seokjin threw his arms around her. Then Jungkook joined in and Hye Rin felt a little humor at the situation, because Jungkook was also crying.

"We will help you."

A/N: Small teaser for what's to come. Don't have time for a full update, but wanted to update nonetheless. So, please enjoy this small snippet.



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