Day 1: "Morning~" ☀️

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So I just wanna make it clear to you all that this story takes place in November. If you are wondering why I didnt publish this book in November is because of school and irl stuff so I had to plan out the days so I didn't have to focus on too many things.

As of now, I'm in the middle of writing Day: 15 plus some fluff parts in the beginning :3



Luke groaned. His eyes slowly peeked upwards. He heard the birds tweeting from outside the windows of his and Zander's apartment.

Once he woke up, the first thing he saw was Zander's beautiful face right next to him. Luke's arms were around the purple haired boy and he softly smiles at the way his boyfriend was sleeping right now.

Zander's hair was longer then it was back in highschool. But it wasn't too long. His purple hair brushed through pillows. Some of the long strands are blocking his face. The way he breathes just makes Luke want to kiss him right there. But, he didn't want to wake his boyfriend up from the nice, long sleep he had. Instead, Luke brushed Zander's hair so he could properly see his face.


Zander's eyes slowly turn up and he sees the golden eyed boy smiling warmly at him.


Zander blinks. "Were you just playing with my hair?"


Zander gives Luke a weird look. He shrugs his shoulders. He didn't really mind Luke's hands brushing against his hair.

Luke takes his free hand and caresses Zander's cheeks with his thumb. Zander puts his hand onto Luke's arm and closes his eyes in the way he caresses him like that. It was comforting for him.

"Guess what, Zan?" Luke suddenly spoke. There was excitement in his voice.

"Yeah?" Zander opens his eyes again, curious of what Luke has to say.

"Today is the first day of November. You know what that meaaans?" Luke leans to Zander and pecks his nose.

"...D-what?" Zander's face turned red when Luke does this. "Wait what does it mean?"

"It's our month!" Luke says happily.

"Excuse me?"

Luke giggled. "Don't be silly. Remember when Milly said we remind her of fall? November is kind of technically the start of fall. The leaves start turning orange, yellow, and all that."

"Oooh... okay, now I remember. But what does have to do with us?" Zander raises a brow.

"Well, when we confessed, there was leaves falling down when we kissed."

"But if you remember correctly... that was October not November. If you're planning an anniversary surprise, I think you might be late. Also, we already celebrated it like a month ago. Which was October." Zander pokes Luke's cheeks and smirks. Luke blushes and looks down.

"Okay... you got me." Luke made a bubble month when he says this. He looks down for a moment, then back at Zander. "D-I- I- Er...I just meant..." Luke didn't know the right words to say this.  "...okay fine you're right. But the autumn leaves just remind me of us. I just wanted to say... 'I love you' and I mean it from the bottom of my heart."

"That's the song from Stevie Wonder." Zander laughs.

The way Zander laugh made Luke's heart flutter. He leans a little closer to him and intwines his hands onto Zander's. Zander stops laughing and notices Luke's face right next to his. He felt his cheeks turn red.


"...Zander..." Luke softly says. "...I wanna kiss you. Can I do that?"

"Uh duh."

Luke smiles and pressed his lips onto Zander.

(Sorry I do not know how to write a kiss scene up until this point :3 If I do, I'll update this XD Sorry for ruining the moment-)

The passionate kiss lasts for 10 seconds before Luke finally lets go.

Luke puts his forehead onto Zander's. "I love you, so much Zander..."

Zander smiles warmly. "Love you, too, Luke."


But was this really just a call to say 'I love you?'

Day 1 complete 😎

Obviously I made Day 1 fluffy so they can experience the joy and fun of fluff before all those... stuff coming up in the middle of the book that I am... terrified of writing ;-;

See ya'll tomorrow!

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