Day 7: "The Question"

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Zander's POV:

"Wait... Zoey's in... what?" I asked because I wanted to make sure I was hearing it correctly. Zoey is working with Luke? Or... next to Luke? Next to Stacy?

"Zoey apparently got a job in the hospital with me and Stacy as a doctor."

"I never expected Zoey to be the doctor type..."

"Me neither." Luke mumbles to himself, sipping his tea. "Sometimes I think she's hiding something; but I guess it's just me."

He looks down and bites his lip in a weird manner. He taps his foot on the floor uncomfortably.

"Speaking of her hiding something, looks like you're hiding something." I told him. "What's wrong?"

"Yeah, yeah. I was just...thinking."

"About what?"

Luke stays silent.

"Is it about Zoey?"

Luke sighs and shakes his head. "No, it isn't about Zoey."

"Then, what is it?" I asked. I put my hand in his for reassurance.

"Okay, so..." Luke hesitates, then he shakes his head making his mouth do the rest after. "How would you feel if we... got married?"

My eyes widened. I feel my cheeks turn red from flusteredness and the fact that I was... not ready for the question. At first we were talking about how Zoey is working the hospital Luke and Stacy were in and now this?

That question got me completely off guard.

"...I'd be happy."

Luke smiles in relief as I said that. So I continued because I wanted to say more.

"...I'm sure that we won't be different because we were basically the same ever since we were kids and even friends. But, we'll be more because it shows that you're really mine forever." I put my forehead onto his and then he kisses my nose.

"So if I asked you now, would you say yes?" Luke says, his voice deep. He smiles cutely and tilts his head almost like he's about to kiss me.

My face flushed. I didn't know how to respond to that.

Does he have a ring?

"I-I...w-well..." I felt myself hesitate. Oh God, I didn't mean for it to come out that way.

Luke could probably tell that I didn't know how to respond hense the silence from me and... I think my arms were shaking. " can say no if you want to."

"Well, I-I don't wanna say no." I said suddenly. "I mean, I do... I mean... I-I don't; it's just--" I breathed in and out. I pushed my forehead out from his so I could get space. "Married is a huge word. It's a huge thing and... I- I'm..."

"Take your time."

"I'm afraid if something goes wrong. When we get married; it's like... this is it! You're mine forever. I want that and I trust you, but I just can't shake the feeling that we're not ready for that kind of thing yet." I sigh deeply. "I-I'm sorry. That was stupid--"

"No, no it's not." Luke says. He takes my hand and smiles a little. "I understand."

I know he does. He always does.

"And you know what, when you're ready to get married, I'll be the one to propose."

I scoffed. "Excuse me? No, I will be the one to propose."

Luke smirks. "We'll see about that..." he squeezes my hand and smiles reassuringly again. "But still... I'll be happy to long as it takes..."

I looked down, then back at him. "Promise me one thing?"


"Never give up on me. Never give up on us..."

Luke smiles and pecks my nose. "I promise. I will never give up on us."

"Okay." I smile, then I peck his nose:

"Me too." 


...Im honestly not proud of how I wrote this day but like... at least they made a promise? 🤷‍♀️

Thanks for reading! Wonder what tomorrow will bring us... 😎

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