Authors Note

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Hello you amazing Rose Buds/ Honeybuns/ Peeps/ readers/writers/Lander lovers/just curious peeps

Welcome to the rewrite of my very first book Lander Month! I swear it will be the last one and I also swear that it will have some genres other than pure fluff that makes it seem so fricking cringe-

Don't worry, the fluff won't go away. There will be a lot of fluff just... some drama to go along with it. It won't be just Luke feeling bad then Zander has to comfort and reverse. Will this Lander Month have angst? Maybe. But it's Lander Month guys, all you gotta do is enjoy the month!

I will warn you, I think you guys are about to hate the girl I put in here.

FYI: its not Stacy.

What are your goals for this month? November is one of my favorite months of the year also November 7th is where Lander confessed so... there's that.

Anyway, see you all in December 1.

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