Day 12: "Want Some Coffee?"

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Luke's POV:

Stacy said goodbye once she finishes her day at work while I still have some a blood test left to finish. I only had 1 more patient left so this shouldn't be a pain in the butt or anything.

While the patient was done with his or her-- cold appointment, they had to come over to my lab so they can take a blood test so we can know if they're suffering from other potiental deseases. I took a look at all the recent tests and looking to which ones looked right.

At the same time, I was thinking of a particular purple haired boyfriend of mine. I giggled to myself as I remembered that time I kissed him on the lips this morning suddenly. Then I pinned him onto the wall while looking into those beautiful periwinkle eyes and then--

I heard a knock on my door.

But damn, what an amazing memory from this morning. I turned my wheeled chair. I was expecting it to be the new patient but my eyes widened when I saw a blonde haired girl with that... smirk, instead.

"Oh, Zoey." I said. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh." Zoey laughs. "I'm so sorry to bother you but I have a question."

I raise a brow. For some reason everytime she talks, I get a chill down my spine like she's about to stab me in the back or something. Or do... something to me.


Then all of a sudden, she makes an innocent face. Like suddenly the evil suddenly disappeared. Or, do you even call that smirk, evil? Well, to me... her snake look shifted from an innocent looking puppy. Zoey puts her hands together.

"I know we aren't close, but I was thinking if we could go to up to Rosybucks. To... y'know... get some coffee?"

Wait what?

"Uh... why?"

Her expression shifts to embarassment. "Uh-" something caught her throat. "We haven't hung out in highschool that much because I was too busy- y'know..."

Oh yeah. Too busy making our lives miserable.

"I know I wasn't the nicest person before." Zoey sighs to herself. "I've made some... very bad decisions. But after seeing that good example of being a good person because of you, I think I've changed myself."

She did?

I looked down. She did a lot of bad things but I didn't know what else she did other than make Jake's life miserable. And... people can change.

I hesitated.

"Please?" Zoey said, practically begging. "I want to teach myself how to be kind and what better way than you?"


Well... maybe it was worth a shot. Maybe after this, everyone can be friends.

"Hey you know what? I actually have a surprise to show to your little boyfriend. I wanna be friends. How can you know if you don't have coffee with me?" Zoey made a innocent smile.

A surprise? What the heck is that gonna be? Whatever it is, I feel like she's planning something bad or good. And whatever it is, I feel like it's best if I...

I nodded. "You know what? Alright."

Zoey sighs of relief. Then, her smirk came back.

Then, a boy, who was probably the patient, walked towards my lab.

"Oh, it looks like your last patient of the day is here." Zoey says. She escaped through the door. "I'll leave you to it~"

I nodded, then the patient came to sit next to me. He was glaring at Zoey then leaned himself backwards.

Alright, let's get this started.


Am I right? 🤔 Wonder what Zoey could be up to.

What if she is trying to change?

Welp you have to find out!

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