Day 10: "Catching Up"

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Zander's POV:

Today was Veterans Day and since I already told Luke about Drew, I decided to talk to him a bit more. We both didn't have work today and it was Drew's idea to 'catch up' or whatever.

"So the vampire and the rabbit are still together?" I told him.

"Liam and Henry are in England together so I'm alone for this month. I'm also third wheel because they're both together like 24/7. I don't know how they're gonna find any girlfriends in the end. Unless they're both boyfriends which... maybe I can't even deny." Drew cleared his throat.

I couldn't help but laugh at that a little. Henry and Liam? Boyfriends? Wow. "What about that girl Henry crushed before? What's her name again?"

"You mean Lia?" Drew answered for me. "She's... okay."

I raised a brow.

"I don't know what's up with her and Henry. To be honest, she seems to be going on for Liam." Drew thinks to himself. He looks up a little, then back at me.


I guess that's a story we'll probably have to get into later.

"But enough about me. How is it with the now-Music Club?" Drew asked.

"Ah well, we preform sometimes." I laughed.

Actually we preform every 2 months. Some people actually love the things we play, so we eventually preform in the Rosy Theater; the 2nd popular theater besides the Century Theaters of Rosemeadow. We get fans. We try to make up for our lost times and thank Goodness we still practice our instruments.

Unfortunately since Sean and Daisy been out for a while together in different places to explore or whatever, we don't have a DJ with us. I think twice a year, Sean's able to play with us.

"I should come to the preformances next time. I see you guys in Gachatube."

Ah yes, Gachatube. I don't use social media often but I know that Milly and Jake use it quite a lot and they made a Music Freak channel for us and our music.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah."

"So... any other friends from highschool you know about?"

I thought to myself. A small light bulb turned on in my head. "Stacy."

"Oh she still exists?"

I almost choked at that statement. "Uh yes?" I smile a little. "She's Luke's co-worker. They work at a hospital together. They even gave... uhh..." Oh, God Zoey...

"Luke and Stacy co-workers?" Drew thinks to himself. "Wait a minute, doesn't Stacy have feelings for Luke?"

"Oh not anymore." I laughed.

Stacy got over her feelings for Luke. She never wanted to hear of that again. At least, that's what she told me. I also wanted to erase those memories that day. Me, crying? How embarrassing...

Drew nods.


We heard a familiar voice call out my name. I turn to my right and see a navy haired girl skipping towards us, she carries her bag and smiles.

It was Stacy.

"Hey Stacy." I greeted.

Stacy turns to Drew. I swear I saw her face turn red when she saw him. Drew gives a friendly wave which is so weird to see...

"Stacy." Drew says in a low voice. "How've you been?"

"Uh..." Stacy blinks, unsure of how to respond.

Ah... I see what's going on. I smirk at her then back at Drew.

"D-I... I-I am doing pretty well!" Stacy laughs nervously. "How about you?"

"Pretty great. You and Zander are friends now, right?" Drew asked.

"Yes, yes we are..." The blush didn't disappear from her cheeks. "Zander, how are you?"

"Good. Great, actually." I smirk at her.

I felt like Stacy understood what I meant by that. Her cheeks turned red from embarassment. She didn't know what else to say.

There was a sudden silence between us three when Drew cursed under his breath when he took a look at his watch.

"Something came up at work..."

Stacy and I looked at each other then back at Drew. Stacy sighs. "That's such a shame, we just stumbled onto each other and you're going away just like that?"

Drew smiles at Stacy's comment. "You sound like I'm never gonna see you again."

"I never--"

I tried to hold my snicker in by covering my mouth.

Drew sighs. "Anyway... I better..." he points at his car and grabs his keys. I nodded and Stacy and I both waved our hands goodbye as Drew took off with his car.

Once Stacy and I were alone, I smirk at her. "So, I guess maybe me being friends with Drew isn't a bad idea after all~"

"Shut up, Zander!" Stacy elbowed me. "He just... I-I mean... he..."

"Speechless, hm?"

"Can we not talk about it?" Stacy clears her throat and she stood straight looking down.

"Okay, alright." But I wasn't gonna let this down, especially to her. I decided to change the subject. "So how was work?"

Stacy sighs. "It was okay." She paused a little. "I mean today was just minor appointments and fevers. Nothing too exteme..."

I feel like she was hiding something. "Stacy? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." Stacy smiles. I couldn't tell if she was trying to hide it or not but I decided to let it go.


This is a really weird way to end the day, but I didn't know how else to continue this. Also, the words is almost 1000 ;-; I didn't wanna make it THIS long-

But ah well. Thanks for reading and I'll see you guys tomorrow!~

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