Day 9: "High-10 year Drama"

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Luke's POV:

I notice that Zander has been acting peculiar lately. He has been on his phone for a while and been a little distracted. He's also looking at Jake and Hailey's picture from across the room a couple times. From the looks of it, he seems to stare at Jake more.

I took a seat next to him on the couch where he was using his phone once more. He turns towards the picture of Jake again and I couldnt help but wonder why that is.


Zander looks up at me. "Hey." Slowly, Zander leans in so that his head was pressed against my chest. I feel my face start to tint.

"Whatchu keep looking at your phone for?" I asked him, looking down.

Zander turns off his phone and sighs, relaxing. "It's nothing, but, well..." Zander gives a thought hum. "...remember Drew?"

Yes, I remember Drew. He gave us a hard time back in highschool. Mostly Zander and Hailey. And... I guess Jake, too. I nodded a little. "Yeah."

"I bumped into him at the mall yesterday."

I blinked. "Really?"

"Yeah." Zander says. "I was going shopping for some... stuff but then he bumped into me and offered to pay. I said no though but he refused; thankfully, he didn't pay for my stuff but we talked a little."

"Is that why your own your phone ever since you came from work?" I asked.

Zander didn't say anything, he just nods. It didn't sit right to me that Drew was now talking to Zander. And, Zander never told me about this yesterday after he came back from the mall. I also felt a small pint of protectiveness on me.

"So you forgive him?"

"I honestly don't know. I kept low because well, now I remember how much of an asshole he was when we were in highschool but that was a long time ago and we were stupid back then but... him and Jake used to be friends. I just- felt..." Zander didn't know how to continue his statement. He groans a little to himself. "Do you forgive him?"

No, I didn't. He bullied Zander in highschool. I know that was a long time ago, but he caused him a lot of scars and trauma. "Well..."

I feel like Zander is thinking if Drew and him should be friends. I don't know how much of Drew has changed. I don't know if he is still friends with those guys: Liam and Henry? I know how close those three were. And Jake. I wonder if...Zoey knew that Drew was still around.

I don't she cares.

She keeps keeping me away from all the busy work ever since she started worked at the hospital. Zoey is doing pretty well in her job, but after she's done with her shift, she would always give me that smile and tells me all sorts of compliments. Which, I am pretty happy about. I just wonder why everytime I come into the room, her focus is just on me.

Zander sighs. "Well it doesn't matter. If you can be friends with Zoey then maybe I can be friends with Drew." Zander gave a joked snicker.

"Yeah, I don't think Zoey and I are friends." I told him.

"Are Stacy and Zoey friends?"

"I don't think so."

Stacy and Zoey weren't friends... probably the slightest. Stacy thinks that Zoey is doing something she shouldn't be doing. She keeps warning me to stay away from her. Zoey however... I don't know what to get from her. She just looks at me and looks at Stacy as if she's some random co-worker she hasn't met before.

"So, does that mean I can't be friends with Drew?" Zander looks at me.

I sigh. "I can't tell you who you want to be friends with even if I disagree with the idea of you hanging out with Drew for all the things he's done to you."

Zander hums. "Okay."

"Just be careful. And you know when to call me if you need me." I told him. I take his hand and rubbed the top of his hand with my thumb.

"Okay." Zander says again. He smiles and snuggles close to me. "...thank you."


Isn't that sweet? Totally not inspired by a Vampire Novel~

But anyway thanks for reading. What do you think Zoey is doing at Luke's work? 👀

Dun dun duuun...

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