Day 3: "Any Plans...?" pt.1

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"3, 2, 1!"

Jake and Luke lifted the heavy couch inside the living room. Zander was at work as of this moment and Jake and Hailey just had moved to a new house together.

Since Hailey was at work, Luke volunteered helping Jake put all the furniture inside the house. Now that they were done, the two leaned on the couch; exhausted and needing to go rest.

"Thanks for helping us out, Luke." Jake sighed of relief.

"No problem, Jake. It was nothing." Luke smiles. He looks around the room and nodded. "I can tell this house is gonna look really good once you decorate it."

"Right?" Jake laughed. "Once Hailey and I officially get settled in and Oreo stays with us, we get another dog. Then maybe I'll propose to her and get married..."

"You are so ahead of yourself, Jake." Luke rests his arm on the side of the couch. He blinks at the peach haired boy. "You are really thinking of marrying Hailey already?"

"Well not now..." Jake says. His face turns red and he looks down in embarassment. "Just when the time is right."

Luke chuckles. He knows how much Jake loves Hailey. After realizing how Hailey means the world to him, Jake just couldn't stand it anymore.

"Well, enough about me..." Jake put a hand on his head. "What are your plans with Zander?" Jake smirks once he said those words.

"Uh..." Luke cleared his throat and looks down. "...I well... I'm gonna ask him to marry me by the end of this month."

"WHAT?!" (NANI) Jake's eyes widened. "You're gonna propose to Zander?!"

Luke's golden eyes brightened and he looks at Jake hopefully. He nods.

Jake smiles wide. "Wow, I can't believe it! I mean, I'm actually not surprised but, I still can't believe it. It feels like it was just yesterday when you guys confessed! Now you're getting married?!"

"I know, right?" Luke giggled. "But I couldn't think of anything more to do this fall and I don't want anything getting in the way."

"Well..." Jake shrugs and smirks at Luke. "Knowing you and Zander, this'll be a great proposal."

"Yeah, and I also want it to be a surprise. So, will you keep it a secret?" Luke asks with a kind gesture. His smile turns hopeful.

"Are you kidding?" Jake laughs. "After you helped me today, I'll help you in anyway I can."

"I could already tell this'll be the best proposal ever..."

Day 3 done ^^

Wow slowly getting to progress! So happy!

Alright, see you all tomorrow!

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