Day 4: "Any plans...?" pt. 2

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It was Zander's day off and Milly called him to spend the day together at the Rosy Mall. They got boba, walked around, and had some regular o'l talking to do. As for Luke, he was at work unfortunately so he couldn't come to the gathering.

Zander scoffs under his breath. He drank his boba in sas. "You mean to say that you and Elliot still haven't confessed your feelings to each other yet? How long has it been 10 years?!"

"What?!" Milly scoffs and rolls her eyes. "No! I mean- we- well..." the pink haired girl tries to proceed but she's having trouble with her words. It's turning like a fast ferris wheel. "...well, we are technically dating. We kept talking and we almost kissed one time and-"

"Oh." Zander smirks. "Oh, that's interesting..."

Milly felt her face turning red and she scoffs heavily. "Oh you shut up!"

Zander chuckles.

"I mean... ya know..." Milly rolls her eyes. "Well, how are you and Luke doing? I mean by now you are probably planning a proposal for your dear future husband~"

This time, Zander's face was the one thay turns red. He clenches his fists and furrowed his eyebrows. "Milly!"

"What? You're the one making fun of me so it's fair if I make fun of you." Milly smirks at the purple haired boy.

Milly's cheeky grin disappears for a few moments and she sits down leaning against her chair with a crossed arm. She has a curious expression on her face and she slowly tilts her head. "Actually, you know what? When are you going to ask Luke to marry you? Or like... is Luke going to ask you?" Milly laughs a little.

"Abundantly speaking, I... actually don't want to propose yet. Or maybe... for him to propose yet." Zander says. He says it genuinely as he leans against his chair looking down, then back at Milly.

"Oh? Why?" Milly asks with a raised brow.

"Well, that's just taking a great big step. Like, everything is going to change and... I'm afraid of everything changing between us. What if something goes wrong and...?"

"Zander, you and Luke have been childhood friends and look at you two now! Lovers! That's a huge big step right there. Even if you and Luke are gonna be husbands, it literally won't change a thing. Except you'll probably get a child." Milly mumbled the last part. "A human or a dog or cat or something..."

"It's still a huge obligation."

"Which is a part of life." Milly smiles.

"Which is my point." Zander says. "This is part of my life that I don't want to get into...yet." Zander looks at Milly with a smile. "...but I know for sure that when the time is right, I'll probably be the first one to get on one knee and propose."

"If you say so..." Milly smirks.

"We'll be ready."

Day 4 complete. 😎

By the way... if you saw a chapter pop put yesterday, I may have accidentally published it XD (I unpublished it tho so thats why it said its not available).

Just wanted you all to know that.

Alright! See you all tomorrow!

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