Day 11: "Preparing the Performance"

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Zander's POV:

"I'm here! I'm here! Not late! Not late!" Milly grabbed her guitar case which assume has her guitar. She places her guitar on mini couch of the garage and takes out her guitar.

We finally have a DJ again. Since both Sean and Daisy are sleeping in Jake and Hailey's new house at the meantime, Sean is finally gonna be able to play with us again. That means our performance is going to be 20× greater than are actual performances.

"So you and that Elliot guy were going on a date before this or what?"  I told her teasingly.

"Oh shut up, Zander." Milly's face turn red, which probably meant that she did in fact went on a date with Elliot.

I didn't get her with that guy. They both are so awkward together. They hold hands, say a little bit of cheesy words and they are both still deciding whether to be more than friends or not. I really don't get them.

"Alright, guys!" Hailey held up her music notebook. "I just picked a song and we are going on Thanksgiving day!"

"Are we gonna sing 'All I want for Christmas is you?'" Luke snickers and smirks at me. I blushed and looked away.

That idiot...

"Whaaat?!" Milly whines. "What about the food?! The Thanksgiving turkey!" 

"Okay, first of all, we aren't singing that..." Hailey looks at Luke. Then she turns to Milly, "...and second we are actually having a Thanksgiving feast with the audience after the show!"

"Holy shit!" Milly clenches her fists and put her hands in the air in excitement. She probably thinks the people will come to our performance will all be her friends.

Holy shit indeed. I raised my hand while my arms crossed in this conversation. "Wait, are you sure?" Also normally, she would be the one telling me first if it was okay.

"Yeah the guy who runs the studio said so himself."

"And you said yes?" I raised a brow.

"I said yes." Jake clapped, probably expecting me to yell at him or something. So he added, "He was persistant. Also he said he was lonely on Thanksgiving." Jake looks at Hailey who nods in a 'I-felt-kinda-bad-for-him-too kind of way.

To be honest, I wasn't really upset about the whole Thanksgiving feasts with a bunch of people we don't even know. I just didn't know if we could get all the foods and (most likely) decorations in time.

I opened my mouth, about to say something when Sean intrudes.

"I think it's a great idea. If we get help."

"We'll be famous!" Milly added, still couldn't believe it.

"...And we can invite people we know." Luke says.

They all turn to face me as if I was the one against this idea. Which, I kind of was. This was sort of a hassel.

"What?" I said, scoffing.

"You think this is a good idea?"

I look at my band mates. I bit my lip. "Okay fine. We'll do it."

Everyone cheered.

"Love you sweetie~" Luke pecks my lips. He then skips to his beloved drums.

I groaned as my cheeks turn red from that sudden action.

"But seriously Hailey..." Sean says. "What are we playing?"

"Ah right!" Hailey smiles, putting her music notebook in Sean's table. "So... in the Thanksgiving show, we are going to play an original song."

"What's it called?" Milly asks.

I can already tell this was going to be one heck of a performance.


This was a boring one but it gives you what will happen next during that Thanksgiving show/dinner thingy OwO

Trust me, I came up with this last minute--

Im kinda scared of how it will turn  out but with that said, thanks for reading and I'll see you all in the next day ^^.

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