Day 16: "Reminder"

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Luke's POV:

I walked back and forth. Back and forth. Back and back and forth! He won't talk to me! Zander won't talk to me. And I'm worried. But, I don't blame him. I look behind me and a concerned Sean and Daisy just looked at me with sympathy and concern.

I leaned onto a wall, tapping my foot on the floor.

I was a little restless because I slept on the couch and not with Zander last night. He didn't want to talk to me whats-so-ever. He didn't even make it to performances today because he was going to spend time with Stacy which was... probably an excuse.

I remembered what happened yesterday. A clear memory. That clear and horrible memory.


I met the blonde haired girl with pink tips on the way to the new opening of Rosybucks. There was a line so we decided we should eat outside the cafe.

I wondered what this was about. I knew what this was about but I just wondered... why am I the only one she took me to this place to? Aren't there people in the hospital who are more kinder than me? Stacy for example?

I sigh to myself. Zoey finished ordering for both of us. "Caramel Frappe and macarons for me~" she says to herself proudly.

I nodded.

"I ordered a caramel frappe for you, too." Zoey winks at me.

I cringed. "...thanks..." I bit my lip. "So what's this all about?"

"Ah well..." Zoey clicks her tongue and leans onto her chair. She crosses her legs. "... Actually I sort of lied."

I blinked and my eyes widened. "Wait what do you mean?"

"I know I did some horrible things in the past but those were for their own good. Jake deserved to be blackmailed because he was the one who blackmailed me about me-cheating-Drew thing."

"You cheating on-- WHAT?!--"

"But it was barely cheating! I actually loved Drew, I just needed those boys for some money." Zoey land her fists on the table and groans in complaints.

"Zoey, I--"

"And so I wanna ask you a favor~" Zoey smirks at me, interrupting.

"Excuse me?" I scoff heavily.

Her smirk disappears and she wraps her index fingers together. "Me and Zander are basically the same person. He acts a little upset around the edges and I'm the same."


"I've grown feelings for you." Zoey told me.


"And I don't know how to make them stop! If you think I'm not nice, then you can show me how to be nice. Just like your boyfriend." Zoey says with a crooked smile.

"Zoey, I am--" I'm not sorry. "I can't do this. I thought that--"

"You know your boyfriend will never know, Luke~" Zoey stands up and sits down right next to me. She puts her hand on my shoulder, tightly and close...

Just like how aunt used to--

No. No don't think of that.

I froze, not knowing what to do. I didn't even know what to say. My heartbeat ran so fast, I don't know how to react. I wanted to run but it was like my body couldn't move. There was no one here to say 'Hey what are you doing?' No one here to save me from this.

With no warning Zoey put her lips onto mine. My eyes widened. I heard a click and then I pushed her away from me. I looked at her with shocked and yet... a terrified expression on my face. While she just glared at me angrily.

"What the heck!?"

I breathed heavily. Oh no. What have I done? What have I done!?

Why did I freeze up like that!? Why didn't I push her away before?!

With enough courage, I stood up. I didn't even speak at that point. I didn't say anything.

I just ran.


I wiped my tears at that moment. When Zoey touched my shoulder, it was almost like when my aunt told me I was...

...and she would...

...And I couldn't do anything...?

And I just stood there. Frozen. Not knowing what to do.

God, I was so stupid. I should've not kept this a secret from Zander. He's the one that deserves to know this.

I'm going to talk to him.

So people, when you are in a terrifying situation, there are 3 things you might do: Freeze, Flee, or Fight. In this case, Luke froze and it's because of the memory of his aunt.

I'm probably not gonna publish a few days after this one because I have major art block and finals to get over with-

But I will get them out. Bare with me.

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