Day 8: "Years Later"

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Zander's POV:

I still felt uneasy about the whole 'Zoey-being-in-the-hospital-thing', I know I don't go there often, but I know that something about her being there made me feel... off.

It isn't the same thing as when I knew Stacy and Luke were going to work with each other in the same hospital. I trust Stacy now and we're pretty good friends. But, I just can't shake the feeling that Zoey being there will be... weird. I don't know the best word.

I wanna say that I've improved on my whole jealousy thing when it comes to Luke. I realize that trusting him would be a good idea because I'd be a hippocrite of hanging out with other boys at my work.

To stop my mind from thinking, I decided I should go to the mall to look for any sales. Black Friday was coming up next week and I wanted to see what was in store.

I walked to a jewlery shop and looked around at all the expensive watches, rings, necklaces etc. Why did they all have to cost more than $100? This is nuts.

I looked more at the rings. I tilt my head a little bit, looking at the one I think Luke would like more. He likes a crystal in the middle. I smile at the thought of me proposing to him.


I felt someone behind me. I turn around and saw an expensive, handsome leathered jacket man with magenta hair. He looked so familiar.

"Oh, I'm sor-" his eyes widened when he saw me. He squints his eyes and puts his hands onto his pockets. He smelled like an expensive calogne which made by head hurt a little. "Wait, I feel like I know you, man. But I don't."

"I know you." I pointed at him. "Drew."

"You're Alexzander! I mean... Alex? Zander?" He told me and his back straightened. "Wow, I haven't seen you in forever."

"I know." I say dully. I remembered him giving me a hard time in highschool. But...try to keep calm. That was a long time ago. "And it's Zander."

"Look uhm..." Drew tries to think. "I know I wasn't the best in highschool. You're like, the only classmate I bumped into after all this time and uh..." Drew scratches his head, unsure of what to say.

"That was a long time..." I looked down. And he wasn't the one who caused me major trauma back in highschool. I wasn't sure what to say to him after what he been through with Zoey and Jake.

"So uh... how've you been?"

I cross my arms. This is awkward.

"Good. I... guess." I cleared my throat. "What about you?"

"I've been pretty good." He smiles at me. For a second, it disappears again. "...I guess." He clicks his tongue. "Hey, do you want that?" Drew points at the crystal ring I was looking at before.

"What?" I looked at it again.

"You seem like you like it. I-I can buy it for you. As a... sorry for what I did before."

"What?" I said again. "You don't need to do that."

"It's alright. That price is nothing to me. I don't care how much money you have. I owe you. Really." Drew says, almost sounding really desperate.

I didn't want him to pay for it. I wanted to pay for it myself.

"But I... I'm actually- like... this is for Luke."

Drew blinks. Did he not remember who Luke was?

"My... boyfriend?" I elaborated further.

"Oh." Drew looks down.

"But it's okay. I'm glad that you want to pay for this for me. I appreciate it. I already forgive you even though I don't remember half of the things you did to me and my friends. And..." I was about to say 'Jake' but shrugged it off. I don't know if they were friends. "...yeah."

"But um... Is it okay if we... catch up?"

I never heard this from Drew before. Sounds like to me that he's never ran into a classmate since highschool.

I smile lightly. "Why not?"

Another one of non-fluffs. But this is one of those start off moments. I'm deciding that I'll do this storyline first and then when I'm done, I'll work on the fluffs.


See ya guys tomorrow!

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