Day 15: "Trust Me..."

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Zander's POV:

We all sacrificed our freetime for the performance happening on Thanksgiving. It was all going on so well and everyone was doing great. At least, in my eyes.

I was beginning to talk to Stacy and Drew a lot. Mostly so I can poke fun of Stacy for having a crush on Drew. She can't stand me anymore, I could practically laugh.

As for Luke...

We are doing good. It's just...

Ever since yesterday he's been acting a little strange. Not that I'm worried. Okay, I guess I am a little bit...

It's only because he's been looking at his phone a bunch of times. He was out today, leaving me alone on the couch without his embrace which feels like a sad romantic story. Normally his shifts would end eariler than mine. He's been gone out for so long. He said he needs to go somewhere?

I know this is only one day but I miss him being on the couch before me. Then I could crawl onto his arms and then I would put my head onto his shoulders because of the hard work load in the office.

I sighed and groaned to myself.

This is stupid.

I stand up. I was about to go to our bedroom when there was a creak at the door. It was Luke with a nervous yet still charming smile on his face.

He was about to say hi, but I interupt him with a loud voice. I didn't mean to. "Where have you been?!"

He flinched. "I-I was out for coffee."

I give him a 'are-you-serious?' Look.

"There was new Rosybucks opening, remember?" Luke says. "I wanted to check it out and the line was so long."

I knew this wasn't true because even if the line was long, he would still bring me there for a date like he did last week.


"Zander..." Luke put his bag onto the nearby table and he went on my back to wrap his arms around my waist from behind.

"Luke if you're hiding anything you could tell me."

"No, Zander I'm not hiding anything." He said it without hesitation. He burries his head onto my hair. I can hear bim mumble. "It was a mistake. I lost track of time..."

I... guess that is a Luke thing to do...But there was one thing he should've done if he actually has done that. "And you didn't get anything for me?"

Luke swallowed hesitantly. "I should've."

I sigh.

"You know what? I'll let it slide. For now..." I said. "But I know there's something you're not telling me. Unless you tell the truth..." I pushed myself away from him.

"'re sleeping on the couch tonight."

Luke's eyes widened. "Wait, wait! What?! But I told you the truth--"

"No you didn't!" I said, putting a hand on my hips. "Do you think I'm stupid? We've literally known each other since we were little kids. I could tell when you're lying."

Luke bit the bottom of his lip and looked down. I knew it. He was lying. But, he did smell like he went to the cafe so the Rosybucks thing was not a lie. But, something obviously happened there.

"Zander, I..."

This would normally be the time where I interupt him and say I didn't wanna hear it, but I just cross my arms and try to let him explain himself.

"...I'm sorry. I can't tell you the truth..."


"What?" I scoffed. "What do you mean you can't tell me the truth? Why?"

"Zander, I just can't!"

"Yeah, okay. Then you're totally sleeping on the couch." I said, finally. I stomped to our room. "When you wanna finally tell me the truth of why you were in the cafe, then we can talk." 

Then I closed the door, leaving Luke to... whatever he was thinking right now.

What was he hiding?

Why was hiding it...?

Maybe I should tell Stacy...

Oh who I wonder who Luke was with in this day...


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