Day 2: "Best Couple Ever Award"

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"Thank you for taking me on this surprise date, Luke." Zander sighs. His office work was terrible then normal today. So many complaints from the computers and such.

"No problem, Zan. You deserve to have a break." Luke held Zander's hand to a random seat in the corner of the resteraunt.

A familiar girl saw them from the counter. Her eyes lit up and she skipped to Zander and Luke. "Oh my gosh! Luke, it's you! And... your boyfriend uh...Alexzander right?" She was wearing her work uniform. She has the same blond hair and green eyes but she is so much older.

"Mia?" Zander raises a brow. "And, call me Zander."

"Zander." Mia points. "Luke told me all about you."

"Oh, uh..." Zander scratches his head, trying to speak something else, but couldn't get some words out of his mouth. "That's thoughtful."

"Anyway, what brings you to the resteraunt today?" Mia asks. She got out her pen to write down the orders for Luke and Zander.

"Oh, Zander needed a break from a long day at work so I decided to surprise him on a date." Luke rests his cheeks on his palm.

"That is so sweet of you!" Mia's eyes lit up. "And you came to the right place. What would you guys like to order?"

"And I'll take some chickpea salad sandwiches?" Luke raises a brow at the menu. He turns to Zander, telling him if he wanted something, too.

"I'll have that as well." Zander smiles.

"Perfect." Mia chirps. "Drinks?"

"Water is fine." Zander says. Luke nodded in response.

"Alright! I'll get your older lickity split!" Mia skips towards the counter to get Luke and Zander's lunch ready with a smile on her face.

Once she was gone, Zander puts a hand on his cheek. He looks at Luke and tilts his head. "She's still... cheeky as usual."

"Cheeky?" Luke giggled. "You mean she smiles a lot?"

"Yeah, I guess so." Zander leans on the resteraunt couch. He looks at all the painted canvasses surrounding all the resteraunt. It looks like it was decorated by a European person; Zander almost felt like he was home.  ", why did you choose this place anyway?"

"I just thought you might like it. Besides, it's nice to see a familiar face, y'know?" Luke turns to Mia again who gave him a wave. Luke waves back with a grin. Luke darts his head to Zander again. "Did you know that they have 'The Best Couple' award?"

"Best couple?" Zander raises a brow.

"Yeah. They only choose it for the most rarest amazing couples." Luke clenches his fists excitedly.

"Ah, I see." Zander smirks. "So you took me here not because you totally wanted me to rest from a hard day at work but because you want us to be recognized as 'Best Couple'."

Luke scoffs and his cheeks turn red in embarassment. "What? No..." he paused. "Okay, it's both reasons okay? It's just..." Luke holds Zander's hands. "I love us together. And, it's just a relief for us to be recognized as the best couple."

Zander blushes and look away. He holds Luke's hands a little tighter. "Luke, we already know that we're best couple."

"Yeah..." Luke looks at Zander sweetly. "...but you know...?"

"Okay, yeah I get it." Zander smirks. "If it's possible to take a picture of us together as 'Best Couple', I wouldn't mind."

"You guys talking about the Best Couple Award?" Mia asks. She carries a tray of the salad and water Luke and Zander requested. She puts the tray to the table.

"Yeah, if you don't mind me asking..." Luke cleared his throat. The tone of his voice getting sneakily competitive. " do you win it?"

"Oh, you don't technically win it. A staff just has to recognize a couple if they're suitable to be the 'Best Couple Ever'." Mia says.

"Has there ever been a couple who got this award?" Zander asks, leaning against the couch.

"" Mia chuckled. "Honestly nobody really notices the posters so..."

"Well..." Luke gives a cheeky grin and looks at Zander, then Mia. "We were wondering if we could have the Best Couple Award...?"

Mia looks at Luke and then she laughs. "Wow, okay. You and Zander hm..." she thinks for a little bit. "Well you two were the only ones to notice the poster had Best Couple Awards and we never had someone win it before. Also, you guys are the most healthiest couples I've seen so far!" Mia thinks out loud to herself. She smiles at at them and gives a thumbs up. "Okay! You both win the Best Couple Award!"

"Woo!" Luke chirped. "Yay! I've always wanted to do this!"

"Do we take pictures?" Zander says suddenly.

"I don't see why not." Mia smiles.

"Wait- Wait- But if we take photos that means you're gonna keep-" Luke tries to protest but Zander interupts.

"Too late. We're taking photos!"

Zander takes out his phone and gives it to Mia, posing and getting his best angle for the shoot.

That was a weird ending and the most weirdest oneshot I've ever made but TAA DAA ^^

If you don't know who Mia is, she is that background character in TMF who's dating Willow(?) I presume.

If you don't know who Mia is, she is that background character in TMF who's dating Willow(?) I presume

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I think this is a good remake of "The Date" in the first Lander Month book right?

So with that being said, see you all tomorrow!

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