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Finally, was the only word that Bucky could think. He finally had Steve right where he wanted him: in his arms and on his lips. It had taken twenty-five years – and then some – to get here but they were finally here. And Bucky had no intention of ever letting Steve go again.

Especially not when Steve kissed him. It was truly driving Bucky insane. Everything about Steve already did, but to know how those lips tasted? To know how that body felt in his arms? Surely, anyone would've lost their minds with just how perfect Steve was. Always had been perfect, even as a runt. But Bucky wasn't going to turn his nose up at this Grade A American Beefcake either.

Breathing ragged, Steve pulled away from the kiss to rest his forehead against Bucky's. Bucky's eyes remained closed, but only for a moment to gather himself. Once he felt as though he had more control over himself, Bucky opened his eyes to find Steve gazing at him beneath half-lidded ones.

"Christ, you're gorgeous," Bucky breathlessly complimented.

As a blush colored his naturally pale-white face, Steve ducked his head so he could bury his face in Bucky's neck. Almost as though he wasn't used to compliments. Which couldn't be the case. After all, Bucky had noticed how people looked at them at the restaurant. And Bucky understood why they looked at Steve like he was a Grecian statue, he had always looked at Steve like that.

"I mean it, Stevie."

With his head still buried in the crook of Bucky's neck, Steve shook his head. Not believing Bucky for a second. Maybe that was Bucky's fault. He had kept all of that to himself while growing up, so Steve didn't believe it.

Well, things were going to change now! Bucky wasn't going to go a day without telling Steve just how amazing he thought he was. He wasn't going to go a day without proving to Steve that he was telling the truth. Walkin' the walk and all that.

"You've always been the handsomest fella around, but now others are seein' it too." Holding Steve's waist, Bucky started swaying them to a song that only he could hear.

Softly chuckling, Steve claimed, "I'm a garbage dancer, Buck."

"Doesn't matter."

"There's not even music."

"Also doesn't matter," Bucky assured.

Steve leaned back, so he could look at Bucky. Bucky slid his hands up Steve's sides until he reached his arms. Then, he brought Steve's arms up, wrapping them around his neck.

Since Steve wasn't fighting him, Bucky's hands returned to his waist as he started swaying them again. They held each other close but Steve pulled him even closer. Nuzzling into Bucky's neck once again and causing an ache in the brunet's chest.

Softly, Bucky hummed the simple melody to the song in his head. Steve let out a quiet sigh of content and pressed a tender kiss to Bucky's neck. This was what Bucky had longed for. This easy affection. This comfortable romance.

Circling his arms around Steve's waist to hold the Adonis closer, Bucky rested his head on his broad shoulder. Happiness coursed through his veins, and he never wanted this to end.

When he stopped moving, he just stood there, holding Steve to himself. Hugging him the way that he had wanted to over the past twenty-five years. Being hugged in return the way that he needed to be in those years.

"So," Steve started. "'Ya gonna give me that tour now?"

Chuckling, Bucky removed himself from the hug, but Steve didn't let him go too far. Steve kept his arms locked around Bucky's neck so he could give him one last lingering kiss. Bucky brought his hand up to hold Steve's face, wanting the kiss to last a little longer.

Keeping Steve's hand in his, Bucky laced their fingers together as he started leading him through his home. First, the living room. Knick knacks, books, and photos of the girls resided on the exposed shelves of the entertainment center. Taking it all in as though it was the first time. Just so he could see what Steve saw. Hoping that the blond liked what he saw.

Casually, Steve stepped closer so he could get a good look at the pictures of Bucky's life. Pictures of the girls throughout their lives. Pictures of his parents and grandparents and nephews. The two worlds of people that Steve knew merging with those he didn't – but who Bucky hoped he would one day – scattered on the shelves.

"C'mon," Bucky gently tugged at Steve's arm.

Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes, but went along with the rest of the tour. Bucky could only smile as he pointed out the half bath, peeked into the kitchen, and led the way upstairs. Only pausing briefly to shoo Nemo from sleeping on the stairs and tripping them up.

Of course, shooing Nemo only led to the overweight tabby to loudly meow at them. And, of course, that led to Bucky having to scratch between the older cat's ears in order to appease him.

"Aww, Buck, you're a pushover," Steve good-humoredly teased.

"Ha," Bucky deadpanned, but had trouble keeping the smile off his face. Still holding Steve's hand, Bucky brought their laced hands together to his lips so he could kiss it. "C'mon, punk."

At the landing, Bucky gestured to the bathroom on the left. Rounding the railing, he pointed to Vienna's hand-me-down bedroom, the guest room, and then his. Suddenly, he felt off-kilter. Usually, a house tour went one of two ways. Showing the house. Or a prelude to sex.

Were they about to...? Was... was he being too... presumptuous? Did Steve want to? Did he want to? Well, yes, duh, Bucky thought. But he wasn't sure he wanted to right now.


Standing in the doorway, Bucky turned around to face the blond. Steve's brows were furrowed, concerned.

"Everything okay?" Steve asked.

Worrying his lower lip with his teeth, Bucky decided, "'You think we can take... this back downstairs?"

Expression softening, Steve assured, "I'd like that."

Smiling, Bucky stepped into Steve's space so he could pull the muscular man closer. Smiling, still, even around Steve's lips.

Pulling back from the sweet, chaste kiss, Steve led the way back downstairs. Bucky gave his hand an affectionate squeeze as they reentered the living room. Not stopping until they were sat on the red gingham sofa. Their hands still laced together.

Well, until Nemo bullied his way onto Steve's lap.

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