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No. Nope. Nuh uh. This wasn't working.

Looking at his reflection, Bucky found fault in everything about himself. From the way that the suit seemed too... much... for the casual cocktail. But what the hell did someone wear to a casual cocktail? Was it business casual? Or was it like Casual Friday at work where he wore jeans and a flannel with a tie?

Shaking his head, Bucky tried to knot his tie, but the silk fabric wasn't cooperating. Or rather, the shaking of his hands was making it not cooperate.

So, redirecting his attention from his clothes to other things, Bucky tried to tame his unruly hair. He knew he shouldn't have gotten a haircut so close to the reunion, but he looked too disheveled before. And while that was fine when he had nothing to do during the summer, he wanted his former classmates to think he was distinguished.

Just a little bit.

Possibly for only one person...

Shaking his head again, he decided no tie, exchanged his suit for a sport coat and some nice slacks, and checked his watch. He needed to leave soon if he wanted to beat traffic. And while he imagined making an entrance and being fashionably late, he knew that he wouldn't be able to sit there and wait. He was already anxious; he didn't need to make it any worse by prologuing the wait.

Gathering his phone and his wallet, Bucky went to grab his keys. Nemo brushed against his legs, surely getting hair all over his pressed black slacks – fabulous. As he scratched the orange tabby's head, Bucky assured, "I'll be home tonight."

But just in case – in case what, for fuck's sake? – Bucky made sure to put some food in the fish shaped dish and give him some fresh water. After all, maybe things would go well. Go great. Maybe he and Steve –

Shaking his head again, he left the house before he could get himself all riled up. Because that was the absolute last thing that he needed. Especially if he actually did meet up with Steve and by some grace of God, they hit it off again. Perhaps they could even pick back up where they left off and be friends like they used to be before...

Bucky didn't want to get his hopes up though.

A little voice in the back of his head confirmed, too late.

Still, Bucky fidgeted the entire way to the Red Room Resort and Spa. He wasn't sure why they needed to go somewhere so extravagant, but he wasn't going to question it. After all, he had never been there but had always heard people raving about it. He hoped that it was going to be half as good as everyone made it out to seem.

But he wasn't going to lie to himself. He knew that how good the place was, was going to depend on the time he had there. And he hoped that it was going to be good.

Pulling up to the elaborate resort, Bucky couldn't help but gape up at it. Up over the little hills of the perfectly manicured sprawling lawns. Up, over, and past the long, winding drive.

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