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"Look," Steve scoffed, showing off his speed and agility by running around Sam, "I'm literally running circles around you."

"Man, if you don't shut the hell up, imma shut you the hell up," Sam panted.

Steve just laughed and fell in step beside the other man. Their run was almost done and then they could relax. Or, at least, they could try to relax. And by, 'they,' it was Steve. He just felt... off... without the kids.

The kids had always been his favorite part of his day and were definitely what he adored the most from his marriage with Peggy. He – like they had agreed – was a stay at home father. And for eight years he was a stay at home father until he and Peggy finally decided to do the mature thing and call it quits.

For anyone to see, it was obvious that Steve was the more hands-on parent. Waking them up in the morning. Getting them around for school. Packing lunches made with extra love and individual notes wishing the kids a good day. Dropping them off at school before he got ready for his own students to arrive. Then, he would pick them up, take them to soccer or tee-ball or ballet or whatever else their little hearts desired. Making sure that they ate a relatively healthy meal, did their homework, and then tuck them into bed.

Of course, none of that was to say Peggy wasn't a good mother or that she didn't love their kids. Because she did. She loved them so much! But Peggy's first love would always be her career, and Steve didn't fault her for that. He was the one who wanted to be a father, and they both knew their stances going into their marriage.

And Steve knew that – like him – Peggy would take on an entire army for their kids. Their kids knew that too. Sure, Peggy wasn't necessarily the most outright affectionate parent, but each parent loved in their own way. Peggy's happened to be praises. Hanging drawings on her fridge. Bragging about a good grade. Cheering the loudest at the kids' games.

Steve, on the other hand, took after his own parents. Making sure to give bear hugs and kisses on foreheads. Making sure to give them extra snuggles at bedtime and making sure to wipe their tears away when they cried.

It had been eight years since he was a stay at home dad, and he doubted that the kids even remembered that time, but he still did so much for them. He always would.

Now what was he supposed to do with them across the pond?

When their run was over, they caught their breath and stretched. Sam said, "Monica is making some beignets. If you, y'know, wanna come over for breakfast."

As much as Steve didn't want to be alone, he also didn't want to feel like a burden. And Steve knew that Sam didn't act like he was being a burden, but old insecurities die hard. Besides, the only person that Steve never felt like a burden to was –

Shaking his head to get steel-blue eyes out of his mind, Steve declined, "No, that's okay."

"Probably for the best," Sam smirked. Clarifying, "She's trying to teach Sloane to cook."

"Oof," Steve chuckled, thinking back to when he first attempted to teach Harrison how to cook. The poor kid had almost burned the house down from making rice crispy treats! Steve still wasn't sure how he had managed to do that, but he tried to keep an eye on him because the kid was going to learn how to feed himself.

"Hey, um," Steve started. Keeping his focus on the ground and his attention mostly on his stretches, he asked Sam, "Are you going to the reunion?"

"Hell yeah, I am!"

Steve was a little surprised at that. Moreso how hyped he was rather than his confirmation.

Sam broke it down, "I'm gonna show off my hot wife and brag about our badass daughter!"

"Glad you have a plan," Steve chuckled.

"Hey," Sam leaned against a tree, "What about you? Since the kids are with Peggy?"

"I, uh," Steve started, but stopped. He wasn't sure how he wanted to finish that.

There was a part of him that wanted to go. Show off the man he had grown into. See the shocked looks from those who he didn't have on his friend list. But mostly, he was afraid. Not of the bullies that he fought all of those years ago. Oh no, he wasn't even scared of them back then. No, what he was afraid of, was seeing Bucky Barnes.

Unlike most of the people from their graduating class, Bucky didn't have social media. No Facebook, no Instagram, not even a goddamn LinkedIn for fuck's sake. And at first, Steve had been relieved that Bucky wasn't friends with everyone but him. Because that had been his biggest fear after Bucky ghosted him. Afraid that he had personally done something to make his best friend not want to be his friend anymore.

So, at least there was that small silver lining.

Now though, he was afraid to see Bucky Barnes. Bucky Barnes and his perfect steel-blue eyes. Bucky Barnes and the chin dimple that Steve wanted to kiss, even to this day. Bucky Barnes and his infectious sarcasm. Bucky Barnes and his sunny, happy-go-lucky demeanor.

Just Bucky Barnes being Bucky Barnes. His perfect, stupid self.

God, Steve missed him. Missed him so fucking much that even twenty-five years later, it still hurt just as much as that first day of no communication had.

"It might be good," Sam offered, soft and kind. The same way he talked to the group down at the VA. "And besides, you can't tell me that you've never thought about showing off that body."

Blushing, Steve shoved Sam. Then, nearly dropped to the ground from laughing so hard when Sam fell on his ass. All the while, the Black man scowled up at him while extending his hand in a silent plea to be helped up. Of course, Steve did. He wasn't completely an asshole, after all.

Looking at his watch, Sam asked, "You sure you don't wanna come over for breakfast?"

"Yeah, man, I'm sure," Steve assured. As they started to depart in their opposite directions, Steve said, "Raincheck?"

"Raincheck," Sam agreed.

Needing to clear his head a little more, Steve ran home. There was so much that he wanted to know about his childhood best friend. And there seemed to only be one way he'd find out.

  And there seemed to only be one way he'd find out

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