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"I'm gonna miss you too."

Playfully, Bucky rolled his eyes. Figures they love the cat more than their dear ol' dad. Shaking his head, he watched as the sixteen year old laid on her bed with the fat orange tabby laid on her chest. Today, the girls were heading for Budapest. Sure, he was going to miss them something fierce, but he was glad that they were going to see their mom and their two younger half-siblings.

Although he was leaning in the doorway, he knocked on the open door. Both Nemo's and Vienna's heads snapped to the doorway, seeing Bucky. Without having to say anything, she knew that they needed to get ready to go. Sighing, Vienna moved the cat that was almost as old as she was, and sat up.

"Y'know you're coming back, right?" Bucky half-teased.

Vienna narrowed her eyes at him before she giggled and grabbed her duffle bag. It was the same one that she used for softball. The one that Nat's boyfriend, Rick, gave her for Christmas a few years back. Bucky couldn't help but smile at that. His daughters were so loved. Not just by him, Nat, and their families, but by their mom's surrogate husband and their half-siblings. And Bucky was confident enough to know that it wasn't just their families that loved them but their friends and their schoolmates too.


"COMING!" Vienna answered for them as the pair made their way to the first story of the house.

"Well, don't you look cute," the oldest, Enola, playfully complimented. Then, teased, "Oh, Vienna, you're here too."

In reply, the sixteen year old childishly stuck her tongue out at her oldest sister. That just made Bianca laugh and nearly choke on her sprite. Which then made the three sisters laugh even more.

All Bucky could do was watch them fondly. He was so young when they were born, and so scared. But seeing how they turned out thanks to him and Natasha both was the best feeling in the world. They had raised strong, independent, intelligent, and compassionate women. They were going to change the world one day. Bucky was sure of it. After all, they changed Bucky's already.

"Alright, bring it in," Bucky opened his arms wide.

Without any fuss the three girls instantly embraced him and each other. This was home. This was what Bucky never knew he wanted growing up. And he would never stop being thankful for that party at Brock Rumlow's house. That was probably the best memory Bucky even had of that guy.

Kissing each of them on their forehead, Bucky stepped out of the embrace. Knowing that they needed to get on the road if they were going to make it to the airport in time.

"Text me when you get there," Bucky instructed, as always.

"Don't worry," Bianca soothingly patted Bucky's back. Having that confident, self-assured air about her that she undoubtedly inherited from her mother.

"It'll be fine," Enola grinned, kissing his cheek.

"Nemo will take care of you," Vienna half-joked.

"Funny," Bucky deadpanned.

Walking them to the door, he followed them out onto the porch. Vienna carried her bag over to Enola's Kia and Enola's girlfriend, Sharon, waved at Bucky. She was a good woman and a good fit for the headstrong woman, so Bucky couldn't be happier that the blonde was planning on proposing during their vacation.

"Drive safe!" Bucky stepped down the first step as the four of them pulled out of the driveway.

Bianca blew him a kiss, Vienna waved, and Enola honked the horn. All the while, Bucky stood there, watching the 2005 Kia Sportage drive down the street. Not returning inside his house until all he could see was a small red dot.

Sighing, Bucky turned and walked back inside. It was quiet. It wasn't unusual, but it still made Bucky's heart ache for the loud voices of his girls. Whether they were laughing or arguing or giving commentary for a poorly acted, cheesy made-for-tv movie.

"MEOW!" Nemo announced himself, rubbing up against Bucky's legs.

Bucky smiled down at the cat, "Thanks."

However, Nemo wasn't one to beat around the bush and tried to get Bucky to follow him to the kitchen. Shaking his head, Bucky watched the cat circle his fish shaped food bowl.

"You use me," Bucky mocked, putting food in the ceramic dish. Exaggerating, "You abuse me. It's always the same with you."

Nemo simply meowed and then started to pig-out. Even making some snorting sounds as he ate. God, Bucky loved that obese cat. They weren't even supposed to keep it at first. They were just supposed to see if anyone was missing a cat and then return him. Even putting up flyers. After six months and no such claiming, Nemo was their cat. Especially Bucky's.

"It's just you and me, Nemo," Bucky scratched the top of the cat's head, "Just you and me."

"Where are the girls?"

Jumping almost entirely out of his skin, Bucky found his twin standing in the doorway to the garage. With his hand on his chest, he said, "Jesus H. Christ, Becks. Ya tryin' to give me a heart attack?"

Becca rolled her eyes. Holding up two six-packs of Dum Dum's newest ale. "I was going to have the girls taste-test. But now I'm stuck with you, loser."

"It could be worse," Bucky claimed, even though he couldn't think of how it could be.

"Besides, we got some surveys to fill out!"

Ah, there it is, Bucky thought. Complaining, "What? Why?"

"So we can catch up with our fellow classmates," Becca shrugged, setting down the two cases of – Bucky checked the packaging – Sprinkle Donut Ale.

"Isn't the whole purpose of a reunion so we can catch up with said fellow classmates?" Bucky sighed, sitting down at the kitchen table.

As Becca grabbed two pens from the junk drawer, she gave one to her brother, "It's for people who can't make it. So, they don't feel left out, y'know?"

"Lucky them," Bucky muttered, popping the cap off of his brother-in-law's alcoholic beverage.

Becca gave him A Look. A Look that their mother used to give them.

Holding his hands up, Bucky surrendered, "Fine, whatever. Let's do this."

"At least we can get drunk while we fill it out," Becca decided, looking on the bright side.

Yeah, Bucky internally agreed, at least there's that.

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