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It didn't take long for Steve to start going down a spiral of insecurity and self-loathing. Wondering why he had called it a date when he didn't necessarily know if Bucky would want it to be. Afraid that he had overstepped, and that Bucky wasn't going to show.

Sighing, Steve reached for his phone. First, checking the time. Then, wondering if he should text Bucky. But when he reread the messages he had sent before, he worried that he'd push Bucky away. Cause him to change his mind and decide not to come.

  Cause him to change his mind and decide not to come

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Everything in Steve was coiled so tightly that as he chewed on his bottom lip, he was only mildly aware that he had bitten too hard and caused it to bleed

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Everything in Steve was coiled so tightly that as he chewed on his bottom lip, he was only mildly aware that he had bitten too hard and caused it to bleed.

"Fuck," Steve muttered, grabbing a napkin to try and stop the bleeding.

"Please tell me that you weren't picking fights."

Head snapping up, Steve was instantly relieved to see Bucky take the seat across from him. Only then did the brunet's words catch up to him. Just for old times' sake, Steve narrowed his eyes at his once-upon-a-time best friend.

"Funny," Steve rolled his eyes, earning the toothy smile that had been featured in most of his daydreams over the years. The one that he had feared he'd never see again. The one he knew that he'd do anything to keep.

To half-change the subject, Steve said, "You look better. How're ya feelin'?"

"Better," Bucky assured, looking up from the menu. Briefly letting his eyes roam over Steve, he complimented, "You look good. But what else is new?"

Feeling his cheeks heat under the weight of Bucky's eyes on him, Steve averted his gaze. Trying to compose himself, Steve half-teased, "Buck, you flirt."

"'Ya just now figuring that out?" Bucky smirked, "I've been flirting with you since middle school."

Just to be contrarian, Steve shook his head. Good-humoredly scoffing, "Yeah, right. Middle school."

"Not my fault you never noticed."

Despite himself, Steve couldn't help the smile that fought against his lips. Before he could argue further, their waitress joined them, "Hi, there. What can I get started for you today."

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