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"Wait," Steve insisted, pulling away. Holding Bucky at arm's length, "We can't."

Bucky knew that it was too good to be true. Of course, Steve didn't feel that way now. How could he? After all of the stupid things that Bucky had done? There was no way in any universe or timelines that Steve could still love him. Not after all these years. Not after how Bucky had mistreated him.

"I'm sorry," Bucky stammered, out of sync just like his breaking heart. "I shouldn't, I shouldn't have... assumed."

Spiraling, Bucky needed a moment. Just a moment to regain his composure. Thankfully, he was close to the extra chair in the hotel room and returned to the seat. Already, he could feel all of the bottled up emotions trying to pour out of him. Could already feel the rejection threatening to crush him.

Of course, Steve doesn't want you. How could he? Why should he?


With blurry vision, Bucky redirected his gaze to the muscular blond. Still trying to get used to the taller version of him, Bucky tilted his head back further. Not that it helped. The unshed tears were making it difficult to see his expression. Hoping that his former friend and love of his life wasn't completely disappointed in him.

"I'm fine," Bucky choked out. Somehow. He wasn't really sure how any noise except for a sob was leaving his body.

"No, you're not."

Dropping down to his knees so he could be closer to eye-level with Bucky, Steve easily saw through the obvious lie. Which only made the tears finally spill over and fall down his cheeks faster than he was hoping they would. After all, he didn't want them to at all.

"Buck," Steve reached up to wipe the tears from the brunet's face. Tenderly, he pleaded, "Don't shut me out."

"I –" Bucky hiccupped "– I shouldn't... I shouldn't have come here."

"No," Steve's strong jaw clenched. "Don't you dare say that, Bucky Barnes. I've been wanting to see you – to talk to you – for the past two decades."

For whatever reason, that startled a chuckle from Bucky. "Only the past two, but not the half?"

"I was kinda upset for those first five," Steve sniffled then chuckled.

"Guess I don't blame you."

"Good," Steve weakly joked.

Just staring at each other for a moment, Bucky tried to catalog all of this away for once Steve was gone. Because there was no way that Steve was going to stick around. Not after everything that he had done. Not after the kind of wound that he had caused him. How could anyone?

But knowing Steve, well, he wasn't a quitter. Not even when he should. Especially when he should.



"Shit," Steve stood from his kneeling position. Digging through his bag, he looked for the ringing phone. Occasionally checking the clock as he, again, muttered, "Shit."

Wiping his face, Bucky cleared his throat, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah," Steve assured, tossing him a small smile from over his broad shoulder. Explaining, "It's the kids."

Trying to bite back his grin, Bucky redirected his attention to his lap. Even though he hated that he hadn't been in Steve's life, he was happy to know that the blond was a good dad. At the very least, it was what his kids deserved. And while Bucky would probably beat himself up over losing that time due to his own insecurities, he hoped that he'd eventually meet them.

"Thank fuck," Steve said, finally grasping the phone in his large, artistic hands. Barely a second later, he answered, "Hi, honey!"

The phone wasn't on speaker, but the kids happily yelled a chorus of, "Hi, dad," and, "Hi, daddy," loud enough for Bucky to hear it on the other side of the hotel room. So, of course, Bucky's poor heart couldn't help but melt. What was a guy to do? As a dad, himself, Bucky had a weakness for good parents. It was just an added bonus that this good parent also happened to be the best person that Bucky had ever known.

"How's your day been?"

"Mommy and Daniel took us to a candy store!"

"They did?" Steve asked, genuine smile glued to his face.

"Yup!" Bucky assumed the younger girl confirmed while one of the boys said, "It was so cool! It was like, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!'"

"That does sound cool! Maybe I'll have to come visit and you can take me there!"

"Okay!" The older boy must've said because the older girl teased her brother, "Harrison only wants to because of the cute girls who worked there."

Which, of course, caused an uproar of arguing on the other end of the line, and caused Bucky to chuckle. Kids were kids and siblings were siblings, and there was always going to be teasing and arguing. It all reminded Bucky of when they were kids and how Becca would always tease him and Steve. Not that they didn't give it back just as much. Especially when Nattie was around because it was more even. It was just how kids were.

Still listening to his kids, Steve smiled over at Bucky. Almost a bit sheepishly. Covering the mouthpiece, Steve quietly apologized, "Sorry. I've never been away from them for this long."

"Don't even," Bucky waved off, dismissing the apology. "There's nothing to apologize for."

Steve eased, attempting to bite back his grin, and failing. Then, he glanced at the clock and worried his lower lip. Still covering the mouth piece, he started, "I'm, uh, not sure how long I'm gonna be on the phone..."

"Oh," Bucky stood, almost knocking over the chair. "Um, right, yeah. I should probably head home. Feed the cat... Shower... y'know?"

"Yeah," Steve continued to bite his lip, debating. Then, he stepped back into Bucky's space. Quickly, he pressed a chaste kiss to Bucky's lips, making those annoying butterflies take flight in his stomach like they hadn't since he was in high school. Searching Bucky's eyes, he asked, "I'll see you tonight?"

Reaching up, Bucky affectionately stroked Steve's cheekbone, "Yeah. See you tonight."

Leaning in, they met halfway for another kiss. This one, Bucky put as much of his emotions into the kiss as he could. Wanting to make up for how he had been, how he had made Steve feel in the past. Because Bucky knew that Steve was it for him. Steve was his person. And he'd do whatever he could to keep him.

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