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Getting home had been more difficult than Bucky would've originally assumed. Not only because of his hangover, but because he didn't want to leave Steve. Sure, the blond claimed that they'd see each other tonight, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't miss him throughout the rest of the day.

As soon as he entered his house, he was greeted with the deep, guttural yowl from Nemo. He knew that the old, overweight, orange tabby had been fed already thanks to his oldest nephew, Felix. But Nemo was needy, so Bucky bent over to give the cat a scratch between his –

"Where the fuck have you been?"

Jumping nearly out of his skin, Bucky whipped around to find his twin entering the kitchen. Placing his hand on his chest in an attempt to slow his rapidly beating heart, he chastised, "Jesus, Becks, ya tryin' to give me a heart attack?"

"Where the fuck have you been?" Becca repeated, really enunciating. Arms crossed along her chest and giving him the same look that their mom would give them.

Brows furrowing, he reminded, "I'm an adult? We're adults. I didn't think I had a curfew."

"Right, you're an adult," Becca agreed, nodding. But she wasn't done. Oh, no, far from it. "You're an adult who got completely blasted. So bad, in fact, that Dum Dum basically carried you outside so you could wait for the Uber we called for you. Only, you weren't there! The Uber driver messaged me saying that you weren't outside!

"Do you know how worried sick I've been? You were just gone! For all I knew, you could've been abducted by Jeffrey Dahmer 2.0! Or you could've tried to walk home and gotten hit and were lying in some ditch on the side of the road. For fuck's sake, for an adult, you sure are acting like a teenager!"

Knowing that she wasn't done, Bucky took a seat at the breakfast table. He was hungover, after all.

"And more than that, your phone has been going straight to voicemail all night! I mean, how many times do you need to be told to bring a charger before it gets through that thick skull of yours? Even Nat was trying to track you down! That's how worried you had all of us!

"So, where the fuck were you?"

Rubbing at his temples in hopes that his headache will die down, Bucky said, "I'm sorry, okay? I'm here now, and I'd really like to take some Aleve and get a few more hours of sleep before the dinner tonight."

For a moment, she just watched him before she took a seat across from him. Sighing, she explained, "I was just worried. You're my baby brother –"

"By two minutes –"

"– you're my responsibility."

"Let's not go overboard," Bucky rolled his eyes.

Becca giggled, then full on laughed. Quirking an eyebrow, Bucky looked up at her. She – poorly – attempted to muffle her laughter, "You still have to deal with Nat."

"Christ," Bucky sighed, putting his face in his hands.

Taking his phone out of his pocket, he crossed over to the charger and plugged his phone in. While he waited for it to come back on, he opened the cabinet to get the bottle of Aleve.

"You didn't impregnate someone, did you?"

Choking on the water that was supposed to help him swallow the pills, Bucky glared at his twin. Not only for causing him to choke, but for implying that he would be so careless. After all, he learned his lesson at eighteen.

"It's not too late to be an only child," Bucky told her.

In reply, she rolled her eyes and stood from the table. Crossing the kitchen, she reached for the coffee maker, getting it started. And really, how mad could he be with her. She was his first best friend. She was also his first nemesis. But he wouldn't change it for anything.

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