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"Daddy, I miss you!"

Hearing little Alice, his little Alice, say that while being over three thousand miles away broke Steve's heart. Almost as much as how hard it was to see her sad. All he wanted to do was hug her close and never let her go.

"You'll be home soon enough," Steve assured her even as he held back tears. This was the longest that the kids had ever been away from him. But Steve found comfort in how quickly the days passed.

"Besides," Steve forced a smile to his face, "I'm sure you're having tons of fun."

"Not as much as when we're with you!" Alice insisted, holding Ribbit close to her frame, resting her forehead on top of the plush frog head. "All Grandpa Harry wants to do is play crotch-k!"


Alice nodded, "Where you hit a ball through the little hoop in the ground."

Understanding crossed Steve's face as he chuckled, "Croquet!"

"That's what I said!"

Steve held his hands up, still chuckling. Then, he asked, "What about mommy? What's she been doing?"

"She's on the phone a lot," Alice admitted, squeezing Ribbit tighter to her little frame.

Steve nodded, he figured she'd still find a way to work, even on her vacation. Then again, her job had always been her first love. And Steve had known that going in. But he still hated that their kids came in at a close second whenever they spent more than a weekend together.

Instead of getting upset about it, he asked, "Where're your brothers and sister?"

"Waiting our turn," Harrison told him, peeking out from around the corner.

Rolling his eyes at the computer screen, Steve said, "You guys don't have to take turns. C'mon, enlighten me on your days. Have you seen anything cool? Done anything fun?"

And just like that, the four Rogers kids pulled up kitchen chairs and crowded around the computer as they all animatedly talked over each other. Steve missed them all so much that it physically hurt. But there were only one week left. He could handle one more week. After all, the other had managed to fly by. Once he distracted himself, of course.

"Daniel took us to see Shakespeare in the Park!" Maggie-Mae grinned, "That was pretty fun!"

"What have you been drinkin'?" Harrison quirked a brow as he looked at his younger sister. Telling Steve, "It was so lame!"

"Maggie-Mae only liked it because she thought one of the actors was cute," Mikey teased, causing the fourteen year old's naturally white cheeks to redden.

"I DID NOT!" Maggie-Mae protested even as her face grew redder.

"Yeah! She didn't!" Alice defended her older sister and idol.

Maggie-Mae, the poor girl, covered her face and folded into herself as though she was trying to shrink her way out of existence. Steve could feel her pain. Sure, he was an only child, but he had Bu–

Shaking his head, Steve tried to change the subject, "What else have you guys been doing besides plays and croquet?"

"We went to the movies with Cousin Sharon and her new fiancée!" Mikey informed.

Pleasantly surprised, he hadn't realized that his niece had anyone special in her life. So, he asked, "Oh yeah? Are they nice?"

"She's really nice!" Alice smiled, returning to the Alice that Steve was used to seeing.

"That's good," Steve encouraged, adoring the smiles on his children's faces.

All energy and earnestness that only a child seemed to have, Alice continued, "And pretty! She's really pretty! Like a Disney Princess!"

Steve chuckled at that, "So, you like her?"

The kids all nodded, and Maggie-Mae smiled, "Very much."

"Good!" Steve beamed at the computer screen. Noticing the time, he said, "You guys should probably get ready for bed. Make sure to brush your teeth and when I'm done talking to mom, she'll come tuck you in."

"Okay," Harrison reluctantly agreed. Standing from his chair, he said, "Night, dad. Love you."

"Love you too, sweetie," Steve softly smiled. Wishing each of the kids a sweet dream and reminding them again and again that he loved them.

Not long after Peggy took the seat in front of the computer. Steve crossed his arms, but didn't say anything at first. Knowing that he needed to keep a level head. After all, this wasn't anything new.

"I know what you're going to say," Peggy started, calm and cool like always. "And don't worry, I just had to iron out a wrinkle and I'll be on holiday for the rest of their visit."

It wasn't the first time that she had told him that and he knew that it wouldn't be the last. Nevertheless, Steve nodded. Hoping that she really would take a break from work. Not just because it wasn't healthy for someone to work that much without some mandatory relaxation but because they were there to help her mom after her stroke.

"How's Amanda?" Steve asked instead of arguing with her.

"Better," Peggy assured, the sweet smile that Harrison inherited from her, "Thanks."

"Of course," Steve good-naturedly dismissed. Just because he and Peggy weren't together anymore didn't mean that he just stopped caring about his former in-laws. Not only were they their kids' grandparents, but they had welcomed Steve wholeheartedly.

Plus, Harry and Amanda got along well with Joe and Sarah. And that had meant so much to Steve. It meant even more knowing that their parents still cared about each other and were sure to exchange holiday cards every year. Hell, Sarah and Joe had even stayed with Harry and Amanda when they went through Europe for their anniversary.

Sitting there, staring at Peggy through the computer screen, that old twinge of love for her throbbed in his heart. It also mourned how far they had drifted from who they had once been. If Steve was being honest with himself, he knew that he shouldn't have jumped all-in all those years ago. He had just been so dumb and in love with the first girl to ever pay any romantic attention to him that he couldn't help himself.

But with hindsight being 20/20, he should've seen the signs.

Still, they would be tied together for the rest of their lives. And even though they had outgrown that young relationship and had outgrown who they had once been, Steve was okay to be tied to Peggy.

"The, uh," Steve started, awkwardly. "The kids told me that Sharon is engaged. That's gotta be fun."

"Oh, yeah," Peggy nodded. "Michael and Judy love her! She's a cute girl too! Polite and didn't ignore the kids. Of course, she is going for her doctorate for child psychology. So, she's probably studying them."

Hearing Peggy's giggles made Steve chuckle. It was always nice hearing her finally relax. And while there were a lot of things that could've – and, no doubt, should've – been said, he knew that he couldn't keep her any longer. Their kids were waiting for her, and it was getting late as it was for them.

"Well," Steve stretched, "I should probably let you go. The kids are waiting for you."

"Yes," Peggy nodded, giving him a soft smile. "Goodnight Steven."

"Goodnight, Pegs."

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