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After spending the afternoon together, Steve looked at the clock and reluctantly stood from the sofa. Stretching his arms above his head, he wiggled his fingers towards the ceiling. Only aware that his shirt rode up his torso, revealing a sliver of his abdomen, when Bucky playfully caressed his side.

Steve shot the brunet A Look, but Bucky didn't care. Instead, he giggled like he used to. And really, Steve couldn't help but join in. He felt all bubbly. A feeling that he hadn't felt in a long time. A very long time. Not since they were carefree kids racing each other on their bikes or staying up way past their bedtimes. Young, Steve felt young.

Turning to look at Bucky on the couch, Steve towered over him, enjoying the way he gazed up at him. Placing his hands on the back of his red gingham couch on either side of Bucky's head, Steve took a moment to just look at him. Bucky was so goddamn handsome that he didn't even seem real.

Just to make sure that Bucky was real and that Steve wasn't dreaming, he lowered himself the short distance between them to press his lips to Bucky's. Bucky lifted his hand to hold Steve's face. Caressing the smooth skin along his jaw before sliding his hand to the back so he could tangle his fingers in Steve's short hair. It was enough to make Steve dizzy. And he really needed to keep his wits about him. At least for a little while longer.

"Where d'ya think you're goin'?" Bucky asked when Steve reluctantly pulled away from another lingering kiss.

"I should get going."

Steve wasn't sure if it was intentional, but Bucky's lower lip pursed in a pout. It just wasn't fair. How could someone look so adorable and sexy at the same time? The brunet was too good looking for his own good, Steve decided. Especially when he looked up at Steve with those affectionate bedroom eyes.

Attempting to tug Steve down again, Bucky asked, "Do you have to?"

"Gotta head back to my room so I can get ready for the dinner."

Bucky slumped into the sofa cushions and for a moment, Steve was floating through time, remembering every time that the brunet had reacted that way. Whether it was from one of them not being able to have a sleepover at each other's houses, or Steve won at a videogame – that Bucky let him win at, but needed to sell it – or he wanted to annoy Steve by being contrarian just for the hell of it. And all of it was done with that adoring glint in those beloved gray sky eyes.

"Do you really have to?"

"Yes, I really do," Steve confirmed. Then he teased, "Gotta make sure I'm acceptable. Y'know, dapper, debonair, dazzling."

"What is this? A reunion or prom?" Bucky joked, standing from his seat.

"It's formal," Steve smiled, heading for the door, "Black tie, in fact."

Of course, Bucky followed. Showing Steve out as an excuse to kiss him again. Just one more. Or two. Or three. Alright, Steve initiated number four. And five. Who was really counting if there were six or seven or eight. And who would argue when Bucky gave a ninth or tenth.

"Well," Bucky pulled back, "If you're getting all dressed up, I probably should too."

"Nonsense," Steve half-joked. "You're already the most attractive person that I've ever seen. Wear sweats. Give some of us the chance to look good."

"Clearly, you need to get your eyes checked."

Steve rolled his eyes, "There's nothin' wrong with my eyesight, asshat."

"Agree to disagree."

Shaking his head, Steve half-heartedly agreed with a hum, "I'll see you tonight."

"See you," Bucky confirmed. "I'll be the slob in sweats."

"You'll be a walking wet dream," Steve corrected. "I'll have to fight tooth and nail just to get your attention."

Walking backwards, Steve nearly fell on his bum as he missed a step, and quickly righted himself by grabbing onto the railing. It didn't stop Bucky from reaching out though. Reaching out like he was going to grab onto Steve's shirt and force him to steady.

"Christ, you're such a goddamn klutz, it's a wonder you've made it this far in life," Bucky muttered, causing Steve to roll his eyes the same way he would while growing up. Bucky had always been a mother hen, but now Steve was starting to see it in a different light.

"Ha ha, you're just worried because you love me," Steve sing-songed before childishly sticking his tongue out at the brunet. Glancing behind himself to make sure that he wasn't about to trip over anything. At the rental, Steve paused, turning so he could smile at Bucky again.

Bucky stepped out onto the porch. Raising his hand up to his mouth, he kissed his palm and blew the kiss to Steve. Being the hopelessly romantic chump that he was, Steve reached up to catch that kiss, earning a large grin from the brunet.

Steve lingered for a moment longer. There was so much that he wanted to say. So much love that he wanted to express. Instead of doing any of that though, he climbed into the rental and left. It was harder now, driving away from Bucky. But it also lit a fire in himself with the thought of seeing him again.

Now, he had to blow Bucky! Away or in... another... way, Steve wasn't picky on the details as long as he caused the graying-brunet to lose his breath. To short-circuit his smart-as-shit brain. At least then Bucky would finally feel the way he always made Steve feel. Hopefully.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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