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"Since we've got some time to kill," Bucky started, walking hand in hand with Steve, leaving the restaurant.

Cheeks heating, Steve adverted his gaze to the pavement. It was hot, but he was positive that it wasn't the weather that had him feeling feverish and had everything to do with Bucky's gaze on him. Not to mention how every part of him seemed to awaken from Bucky's touch.

"We could head back to mine," Bucky offered, giving Steve's hand a tender squeeze, "If you want."

Steve smiled, "Yeah, that sounds nice."


Stomach flipping and butterflies fluttering, Steve couldn't help but feel like a teenager all over again. There had been many times through their youth where that full smile had been directed his way. But this time it was different. This time it was as though no one existed except for them.

Reaching Steve's rental, Bucky opened the door for him. Steve let go of his hand a little reluctantly before confirming, "I'll follow?"

Bucky nodded. Before he could step back, he leaned forward to kiss Steve. Just one. Or two. Or three. Or –

"Alright, alright," Steve chuckled, pulling away so he could climb into the driver's seat.

Once safely inside, Bucky closed the door for him, but remained standing there. Then, he gestured for Steve to roll the window down. When Steve did, Bucky leaned inside to get one more kiss.

Of course, one more kiss grew into two more kisses, but before it became any more, Steve pushed him away. Laughing, "You're ridiculous, you know that?"

"'Can't help myself," Bucky shrugged, as if that explained everything. And since Steve also couldn't help himself, he figured that it did.

"Well," Steve bit back his grin, "If we ever make it back to your house, you can kiss me all you want."

"Is that a promise?"

Extending his hand out the window, he held out his pinky, "Promise."

Just like kids, Bucky hooked his pinky with Steve's, sealing the promise. Then, he brought their hands up so he could give the back of Steve's a kiss. It was sweet and endearing in a way that Steve hadn't witnessed before. Well, before this weekend. This glorious, glorious weekend.

"Now, get out of my face and take me home."

"You're bossy," Bucky smirked, "Anyone ever tell you that?"

"You," Steve laughed, "Every day of our friendship."

Walking backwards away from Steve, Bucky beamed, "And don't you forget it!"

Almost getting hit by another car, Bucky's reflexes were quick, but not as quick as Steve's heart jumping up into his throat. Still, the smile remained on his stupidly handsome face as he apologized to the driver and assured Steve that he was alright. Steve simply shook his head, but kept his gaze on the brunet.

Watching Bucky cross the parking lot, Steve wondered if he was getting in over his head. Bucky wasn't going to expect anything to happen, right? Oh, who was Steve kidding, he would probably be the one expecting – wanting – things to happen. Sure, Bucky had made the first move, but Steve was the one who had been dreaming of this for his entire life. All he wanted was to be what Bucky wanted.

When Bucky finally pulled out of his parking space, Steve did too, and tried to stay as close to the brunet's vehicle as possible. He didn't want to lose him, after all. Thankfully though, Bucky didn't seem to have the lead foot that he had in their youth, so it wasn't difficult to stay on his trail.

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