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What in the fuck just happened?

Not even a full hour and Steve was already leaving the casual get together. Christ, Bucky was insufferable. Truly, Jesus fucking Christ, that must've been a record for running someone off. At least a personal record. Usually the rare few dates that he had gone on had them lasting for at least an hour. More if a movie was involved.

But he really fucking blew it with Steve.

But he already knew that.

He blew it with Steve the moment Peggy asked him on a date, and instead of being happy for his best friend, his jealous heart told him to push him away. Blew it with him when he faked being happy about Steve having a girlfriend. And after that, it had only gotten worse. Bucky only let Steve down even more.

Getting drunk at Brock Rumlow's house. Passing out in Brock's parents' bedroom after hooking up with Natasha. Being too heartbroken and guilty to return any of Steve's texts. Than, feeling even guiltier and scared when that first, second, fifth pregnancy test came out positive.

He didn't think he could ever face Steve again, so he pushed him away. Ignored him. Betrayed him.

While Steve started school, Bucky went to work at his grandpa's shop while taking night classes. Doing his best to provide for Natasha and their unborn child. Putting everything that he had into being the best dad he could be. And when he and Nat went down to the City Hall to get married, Bucky tried to tell himself that Steve didn't need to be there. That Steve was better off not being involved.

Lifting his beer to take another drink, Bucky realized that it was empty. Fuck, Bucky groaned in annoyance. Annoyance that his beer was gone. Annoyance that there was a line for the open bar. Annoyance at his former classmates who were actually having a good time. Annoyance that Steve left. But first and foremost, annoyance with himself.

It's all your fault, the pesky voice in the back of his head reminded him.

"Another! Who wants another?"

A familiar voice boomed somewhere in the room. A smile stretched his lips as he looked around, trying to see the Viking-esque kid from his memories and the European History teacher's son. That kid was always so happy and kind, and from how his voice traveled, it sounded as though not much had changed.

Bucky could only wish that that had been the case with him.

Shaking his head and the negativity of his memories and jealousies, Bucky redirected his attention to the front. Taking a step up in the line, he vowed that he'd drink enough until he could forget about Steve Rogers. Or at least enough to forget about how Steve's smile made his stomach fill and flutter with butterflies. Or enough to forget about the way Steve's eyes twinkled whenever he talked about art. Or enough to forget about –

"Jimmy? Jimmy Barnes?"

Turning, Bucky found the god-like man. And while Thor had always been a big, muscular guy, but now he was enormous! It definitely took Bucky by surprise. Making him wonder if there had been something in the water since the two blonds had gotten even bigger and better since high school.

"You look incredible," Thor complimented, pulling the brunet in for a hug.

Patting the former four time national championship football star on the back, Bucky said, "Thanks, man. You look great too!"

Same grin from their youth plastered on Thor's face as he asked, "What have you been up to?"

"I'm the automotive teacher."

"That's great!" Thor gave Bucky's broad shoulder a tender squeeze, clearly the man was already buzzed. "That's really, really great!"

Bucky nodded, and he was fine. He was. He was totally fine with the fact that he was there with their former classmates instead of Steve. He was definitely fine with the realization that the only person that Bucky truly cared about reconnecting with was Steve, but Steve – clearly – didn't feel the same. Or he would've stayed, right?

Bucky shook his head. He didn't want to think about Steve. Nope! No more Steve! He was off limits from now on!

But then Thor asked, "Have you seen Steve? Steve Rogers? People are saying that he got all big and muscly, and since I'm a personal trainer, I wanna know what he did."

Swallowing thickly, Bucky clenched his hands into fists at his sides. He had never been the closest to Thor, but that was true to almost all of their classmates. And since Bucky and Steve had been two peas in a pod growing up, it probably seemed natural to ask one where the other was.

Maybe that was why Bucky felt so guilty. Because everyone assumed that – just like their senior award – he and Steve would remain best friends for forever. And it was Bucky's fault why they weren't.

He felt sick.

He felt dirty.

He needed a drink.

"Um," Bucky feigned thought as he looked around and lied, "Maybe he went to the bathroom."

"Right," Thor nodded, looking around the room just like Bucky had.

"I'm, uh, gonna..." Bucky gestured towards the bar.

Nodding, Thor pulled Bucky in for one last hug before finding another former classmate, "Dum Dum?! Dum Dum Dugan?! Where the hell have you been hiding?!"

While the muscular blond went to talk with Bucky's brother-in-law, Bucky moved closer to the bar. Thankful that the line had shortened and now only one person stood in front of him. Thankful that his sister and brother-in-law were there so he could drink as much as he wanted and not have to pay for a cab back home. Because he very much intended to drink as much as he could if only to forget about stupid Steve Rogers and his puppy dog eyes and perfect smile.

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